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'Did I just shampoo?'

DEFINITION: n. A momentary break in the time-space continuum, which often occurs while showering, and leaves one wondering whether or not they have shampooed their hair. v. To lose track of time while showering.

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Created by: sodium

Pronunciation: warm-hoal

Sentence: Snapping out of a momentary trance caused by the relaxing stream of hot water, I realized that I had just gone through a warmhole.

Etymology: wormhole = a hole in time and space & warm because this wouldn't happen to me if I took a cold shower, that's for sure!


Hehe! It can also cause a woman to forget to shave her left leg...uh... not speaking from experience or anything... - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-09: 06:36:00

Then who's leg was it? - wordmeister, 2007-02-09: 09:36:00

OK... it was mine. But perhaps I just made a hairror and used the wrong side of the razor? - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-09: 11:01:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: sham pour tal

Sentence: The new shower unit caused havoc, flaying the skin grom her shoulders as she struggled with the shamportal.

Etymology: shampoo+portal

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: zan-uh-poo

Sentence: Don't know if it is the streaming water, the warmth of the mist or the fragrant lather in her hair but her morning shower sends Jill to Xanapoo. The only thing that brings her back to chilling reality is her small-capacity water heater.

Etymology: Xanadu (a place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment) + shampoo (to wash the head or hair)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: show-er-ing-slow-er

Sentence: Aquamaureena got swept away into a dream state by the soothing tranquil warm waters using her lavender aromatherapy bodywash. When she finally opened her eyes, she realized she was showeringslower and had to be at work in ten minutes!

Etymology: Showering; the act of taking a shower. Added > Slower;to slow down.


Welcome Back, abrakadeborah...we have missed you! - Nosila, 2009-09-07: 23:36:00

WOW~thank you! I've kinda missed doing this...:)~ - abrakadeborah, 2009-09-16: 11:14:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sham poo neesj sja

Sentence: When Melody stepped into the warm, steamy shower, the soapy water helped ease her weary bones and relax her. The lovely smell, cranial massage and warm inviting feeling gave her a good case of shampoonesia. Too bad the twins had learned to unlock the bathroom door and her shampooblivion was too short-lived.

Etymology: Shampoo(to wash the hair) & Amnesia (partial or total memory loss)

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Created by: geoamnesia


Sentence: I had been showering for some time, feeling quite relaxed, when suddenly it hit me: I was shampflummoxed and couldn't bring myself to rinse my hair.


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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: steam-nee-shia

Sentence: In the shower Suzanne often got steamnesia and would forget if she washed her hair yet.

Etymology: steam + nesia (from amnesia)

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Created by: allwise

Pronunciation: de-sham-poo

Sentence: Desiree had a moment of deshampoo -"Haven't I used this shampoo-bottle before?"

Etymology: deja-vu - the feeling of having done something before. shampoo -bottle filled with gooey liquid said to enhance your natural fragrance and leave you're hair moist and dry.


I should have thought of this one... but wait, I think I did, in the shower...oh oh, I'm having a deshampoo... - wordmeister, 2007-02-09: 09:40:00


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Created by: cohenarie

Pronunciation: tay' per es neer'' et el

Sentence: Taeperesnerrehtal is the temporal, personal hygiene equivalent of seeing a completely unfamiliar but obviously permanent object during one's daily commute, such as an old barn or a large tree.

Etymology: Read it backwards and you'll get it.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: COS-mic-SHOW-er

Sentence: I just had an out-of-this-world experience in the bathroom -- it was a comicshower, man!. When I came to, I couldn't remember if I'd just got out of the shower, or if I was just getting in.

Etymology: cosmic shower (hot gas expelled from the starburst) + cosmic (immeasurably extended in time and space) + shower (a bath in which water is sprayed on the body)


I like this verbotomy. In my case, it does not necessarily involve shampooing. I've dumped a hand-full of conditioner on my hand prior to shampooing. More than once. I admit to cosmicshowering. - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-09: 19:39:00

petaj Thanks purpleartichokes. - petaj, 2007-02-13: 05:58:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-09: 00:28:01
Today's definition was suggested by pandafever. If you have an idea that you'd like verbotomized, send it to us! Go to:
Thanks! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-09: 00:28:01
Today's definition was suggested by pandafever. If you have an idea that you'd like verbotomized, send it to us! Go to:
Thanks! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-09: 00:28:01
Today's definition was suggested by pandafever. If you have an idea that you'd like verbotomized, send it to us! Go to:
Thanks! ~ James