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DEFINITION: v., To believe you're saving money by buying things which are on sale even if you don't really want or need them. n., A person who believes they are saving their money whenever they buy something on sale.
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Created by: deathsweep
Pronunciation: foo lo cious ness
Sentence: Juanita really showed her foolociousness when she came home with a case of cock-rings.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: dee/loo/shun/al
Sentence: Bart was completely dealusional and continued to stockpile worthless 'bargains'.
Etymology: deal + delusion
Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-16: 18:55:00
It's the real deal, Stevo! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-16: 21:41:00
Created by: sipsoccer
Pronunciation: (save-ah-holic)
Sentence: Don't buy those, we have no need for them, you're such a saveaholic.
Etymology: save: to keep aholic: addicted
Created by: Kevcom
Pronunciation: phrew-GONE-no-MIKLE
Sentence: Frugonomicalists stretch their buck so far that in the end, they end up with so much excessive debris, that they can't consume and/or sell it all. To be economical is a very good thing - save some money. A frugal person - well let's not go crazy here. But a frugonomical person - see a psychiatrist please!
Etymology: frugal + economical
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: spen-da-dik-shun
Sentence: While he was in throws of his spendaddiction, Carlos actually believed that by shopping at the Dollar Store he was investing for his future retirement.
Etymology: spend + addiction
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: FROO-geh-til
Sentence: Lenny actually believed he was being shrewd in buying up so many 'fantastic bargains' though he had little use for most of them and while others thought his efforts were frugatile at best, he continued to consider himself to be shrewd and thoughtful.
Etymology: Blend of 'frugal' (thrifty, prudent or economical) and 'futile' (serving no useful purpose - completely ineffective)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: deel link wen see
Sentence: Dealoren's dealinquency was not dealiberate. He dealed dealightfully with any deals dealiberated upon in his dealusional family. His wife, Dealilah had a dealcidedly deafferent view of what was a good deal. She learned early on not to dealagate dealicate deliberations to Dealoren. For her, his dealight in dealuging her with dealiverable deals posed a huge dealemma. Through sheer due dealigence, she dealayed dealciding which expenses to dealete from her budget. If only she could find a spouse who would dealete deals from dealicatessens and deal with dealettantes and other deals in a dealiscious dealivery. Otherwise, she would be called dealvious!
Etymology: Deal ( do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood;come to terms or deal successfully with) & Deliquency (a tendency to be negligent and uncaring;nonpayment of a debt when due)
Let's make a dealinquency! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 12:09:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Spend-it-al-er
Sentence: Sam was such a spenditaller that he never had any savings.
Etymology: A play on words ; Spend-It-All-er
Created by: vixphilia
Pronunciation: SUrgain
Sentence: The bugger said this dehydrated water was 50% off and that's why he bought it. Surgain indeed.
Etymology: Sucker + Bargain
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: deel/loo/shun/al
Sentence: Joe became completely dealusional about the value of any item, no matter how obsolete, if it was marked down 70%, or more.
Etymology: DEALUSIONAL - from DEAL (a bargain) + DELUSIONAL (a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence)
My fave! Gets my vote. :) - lumina, 2008-10-16: 00:56:00
Verbotomy - 2007-11-16: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by joelb. Thank you joelb! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2013-01-02: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by joelb. Thank you joelb. ~ James