Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. An unintended consequence of medical or psychological therapy, especially if the therapy is supposed to make you feel "young again". v. To feel young and stupid again.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: man-uh-fruh-STREY-shuhn
Sentence: A bad string of luck for old Joe. Because of his trick knee, he couldn't even walk the dog or rock the cradle anymore. With each new manifrustration, the constant ups and downs of having been a complete yo-yo throughout his life, Joe was ever closer to winding it all up. Maybe he should just put it to sleep already.
Etymology: manifestation + frustration
did you know - the first yo-yos were made of clay? hmmm - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 12:00:00
Love the sentence - it's knot every day you get to experience a 'time warp' in an 'elevator' and take a trip 'around the world' - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 12:25:00
Clay, huh? I hadn't realized that, but it makes sense. But of course I have a great affinity for yo-yos, and pocketwatches, and spiders... anything filipendulous. - Clayton, 2007-06-18: 19:27:00
ah and your real name is Peter Parker and you're a journalist - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 19:36:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: yoo/thuh/ney/zee/ast
Sentence: Viagra and some other new miracle drugs are a form of youthanasia. With these drugs, young ideas, images and urgings are brought about in an old, incapable body.
Etymology: youth + euthanasia
Created by: Katisms1
Pronunciation: OOPS! - SHOULD READ: Sprydefect! (Pron: SPRYIDE-e-fekked. Fekked, like my typing. I can't believe I managed to misspell a word I made up! ;-)
Sentence: While Granny was initially happy the little pill had brought some lovin' back into their bedroom, being awakened ten times a night by an urgent poking in the small of her back was rapidly becoming an unwelcomed sprydefect of the drug.
Etymology: spry + defect
Created by: rephil
Pronunciation: pawnse
Sentence: Dr. A: "How did the procedure work out for Mrs. Hyde?" Nurse B: "The face lift turned out great -- got her a new boy toy. But he left over the stretch marks from the lipo -- so that was a bit of a ponce.
Etymology: Colloquial -- after Juan Ponce De Leon, first Spanish governor of Puerto Rico and legendary seeker of the Fountain of Youth.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: ther + up + eek!
Sentence: Oh gosh, Grandpa's doing one-armed Marine pushups in the garden again - I wish he'd never gotten that therapeeeek.
Etymology: therapy + eek
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: there-ap-oops
Sentence: Dr. Evil didn't warn Albert & Lena about possible side effects or that therapoops is known to occur in older people.
Etymology: therapy + oops!
I think that this word also describes that "cleansing" diet. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 12:53:00
like the liver detox thingy? - remistram, 2007-06-18: 14:36:00
Yep, the dietrhea. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 14:39:00
but of dietrhea yours? - remistram, 2007-06-18: 15:11:00
If you mean have I ever tried that dietrhea - no. I'd likely gag on the tonic shitzer. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 15:23:00
I think that's a runs-on sentence. - Clayton, 2007-06-18: 19:55:00
you guys areeeebbjbbb....sorry i slipped...its hard to type at the moment because i'm sitting on a loose stool - rikboyee, 2007-06-18: 21:21:00
ok enough verbal diarrhea! (my apologies...) - remistram, 2007-06-19: 09:47:00
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: reh-troh-KUHSH-uhn
Sentence: When Alex's father purchased a Maserati for his fiftieth birthday, the retrocussions were embarrassing, especially when Alex would introduce girlfriends to his gold-laden, shades-wearing, slang-misusing dad.
Etymology: retro- + repercussion
Came alive when read in the sentence -- nice! - rephil, 2007-06-18: 10:15:00
Created by: bigdog
Pronunciation: mahl-ah-pube-izm
Sentence: Ever since Gerry Atric started taking his viagra cocktail, he's demonstrating all sorts of malapubisms - started skateboarding at 70 and suddenly everyone's a "dude"...
Etymology: malapropism (incorrect or undesirable word usage) + pubescence
just saw this - very clever! - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 14:22:00
Takes me back - where? - ajcor, 2007-06-20: 19:12:00
Created by: Pythias
Pronunciation: vi-a-tro-gen-e-sis
Sentence: Your husband's behaviour may result from a rare side effect sometimes referred to as clinical viatrogenesis. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
Etymology: Viagra + iatrogenesis ( means "brought forth by a healer" )
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: medidātng
Sentence: Since Edith passed Richard has had little interest in re-kindling his love life but his doctor has introduced him to a new sport; medidating. A couple of little pills give him the redumb to seek out the company of women with confidunce.
Etymology: medicate (administer medicine or a drug to someone) + dating (a social or romantic appointment or engagement)
clever... - mweinmann, 2010-01-12: 07:41:00

Today's definition was inspired by Rob Sawyer's newest novel, Rollback. It is a story about a happily married (60 years!) couple who get "Rollbacks" -- medical procedures which are supposed to turn their 80-year old bodies into 25-year ones. It works for the husband, but unfortunately not for the wife -- which puts a bit a test on their marriage when they start to develop different levels of "need". ~ James
Purpleartichokes Wins GUST! Read all about it in Verbotoweek: purpleartichokes - The Office Politician.
jadenguy - 2007-06-18: 11:28:00
that was also an episode of the twilight zone. that show was amazing because it was both awesome and taught values!
jermainechambers44 - 2010-01-12: 18:04:00