Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., The deep feeling of despair, pain, and swelling need for revenge, which occurs when someone thoughtlessly trashes one of your pet projects. v., To cry out at the injustice of it all, especially if it is someone else's fault.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: blāment
Sentence: Gerry*s office has little interest in solving problems. The workers seem to want to blament more than fix, point fingers more than point the way.
Etymology: blame (assign responsibility for a fault or wrong) + lament (a passionate expression of grief or sorrow)
I blament the claim that severe earthquakes are caused by womens' immodesty! - splendiction, 2010-04-26: 22:10:00
Created by: ElCappa
Pronunciation: Purse-urity.
Sentence: A sense of pursurity came over me as I watched the construction worker tear down my treehouse. I was pursurious at the thought that a human could dash another man's labours into the ground.
Etymology: Pursuit - A quest or undertaking. Pursue - Chase (for vengeance) Furiosity - Vengeful rage
Created by: CanadianAndyCapp
Pronunciation: Uber-grossen-peest-off-dam-U-angst
Sentence: According to Sigmund Freud, the repeated exclamations of the German radio star Blaubuttle "Du dirtish gerotten schweinehunds, du hast totenknacked mich!" is a perfect example of Ubergrossenpisteoffdamyuangst
Etymology: Ubergrossen: (German) to be elevated. / Pisteoff: (Russian) a negative emotional state. / Damyu (Japanese) deep knee bends that cause pain. (See Tai Chi) / Angst: (German) A negative introspective feeling.
Quite the longest verboticism I've seen! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 15:37:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: hawb-byoos
Sentence: Randall took a great deal of hobbuse from the other Hell's Angels because of his extensive scrapbooking, usually featuring his pomerdoodle Mitsi.
Etymology: hobby + abuse
Humorously clever! Easy to say. Meaning immediately evident. Nice creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 07:18:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈkɑɑɑɑn/
Sentence: The power went out last night while I was halfway through an unsaved project, and I became so filled with khaan that I left a handprint on my mouse.
Etymology: 2008, from Khan Noonien Singh, character in the television series "Star Trek" (1967) and in the film "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (1982), whose name was famously screamed by Captain Kirk. Khan's first name is possibly coined from khan (n.), c.1400,
Very unique and stunning in it's simplicity ... once I read the etymology ... I got it! Finally! Very unique! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 07:38:00
Eponymic words, a great way to go! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-06: 16:32:00
Apparently I exceeded the character limit on the etymology here. And the sentence is absolutely true. Except that I really had only just started the project. And I didn't actually deform my mouse. And I guess I wasn't really all that upset either. - ErWenn, 2008-02-06: 23:19:00
I try to change it up every now and then. Only so much portmanteau I can take, so sometimes I try to coin words after people, conjugate or rearrange phrases (a la Mustang's "heartwrench"), or piece together a word from prefixes, roots, and suffixes (as in "necrohippoflict"). Sadly, I rarely get any votes when I do. - ErWenn, 2008-02-06: 23:22:00
Anyone have any other gimmicks that they use to construct words? - ErWenn, 2008-02-06: 23:23:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mik karth uree izm
Sentence: Susan's despair at having her cake left out in the rain enflamed her animosity towards Jimmy and in a spurt of mcarthuryism, she vowed never to make a cake for him again. From now on, all he would get would be cow pies.
Etymology: MacArthur (Park, as in the lyrics to this song...a park in Los Angeles named after Douglas MacArthur) & McCarthyism (unscrupulously accusing people of disloyalty, named after Joseph McCarthy,United States politician who unscrupulously accused many citizens of being Communists (1908-1957))
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: thwart itis
Sentence: Jerome experienced acute thwartitis when his sand castle was struck by an errant beach ball
Etymology: From thwart, and itis (implying inflammation)
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: swenj-i-cry
Sentence: With hard-hearted jealousy, he fashed (found fault and trashed) every suggestion she had carefully prepared to present at the staff meeting. Eventually, she rose, stood facing him in deapiranguish, and with a great swengicry, "you spoilhater" she beat her fists upon his chest.
Etymology: Swelling with vengence as you cry out for justice ... swengicry
Yikes - I think she's really upset - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-06: 13:16:00
Thanks Jabberwocky! My attempt at being overly dramatic worked! The expression and the fists in the cartoon were the inspiration for it! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 15:57:00
nice hi five lol - purpleman, 2008-02-06: 19:58:00
You got It right! luv fashed & spoilhater too. Bravozulu! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-06: 21:13:00
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: des-per-ah-doh
Sentence: Betty had 92 batches of cookie dough in the freezer. She was so proud of her contribution to the Church Christmas Bazaar this year. They would bake some to sell and also sell dough there. She always came through with the most cookies and dough and was well known for her generousity. But this year, it was ruined....someone had unplugged the freezer while the basement remodeling was being done. Was it one of the remodelers? Was it her husband? She had worked herself into a desperation she had never before known, crying and wretching in despair and anger at the unkown person who had done this. In the distance, she heard some music and, wait, she heard the familiar voice of her husband. She strained to hear him as she fought back her tears......"Desperadough, won't you come to your senses".....
Etymology: This word is a blend of Desperate(of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair; and the word Dough (Dough is a paste made out of any cereals (grains) or leguminous crops by mixing the flour with a small amount of water. This step is a precursor to making bread, pasta, noodles, pastry, cookies, and muffins.) Whew...
You get my vote! Great sentence! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-25: 11:06:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-25: 11:10:00
Yesterday I had a desperadough ... I ran out of flour in the middle of making dough for a povitica. Like the song Desparado a lot ... guess what I'll be humming everytime I make dough! And think of you and this excellent word, rombus! - silveryaspen, 2008-11-25: 11:12:00
Created by: Dougalistic
Pronunciation: E-moat-er-eyes
Sentence: So cut my wrists and black my eyes. So I can fall asleep tonight, or die. Because you kill me. You know you do, you kill me well. You like it too, and I can tell. You never stop until my final breath is gone.' OMG I hate my life!! why am I emoterised!!!' .. Errr Sarah, it's just a nail..
Etymology: Emo - Short for 'emotional', also a genre of music which depicts death and pain and basically want to end your life music.
Rude drivers, and careless ones on their cell phones, certainly emoterise this driver! I will certainly use this word, this way, a lot. Great creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 07:36:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James
libertybelle - 2008-02-06: 12:36:00
perfect visual with the drawing for today!!And i understand that old song a little better, too!
Verbotomy - 2008-02-06: 13:12:00
Yes, the sweet green icing is flowing down... Oh no!!!!!! ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-06: 16:05:00
The face and fists were an excellent portrayal of her anger and frustration! I tried to match that drama in your caricature with the words in my sentence. Very inspiring!
Verbotomy - 2008-02-07: 03:25:00
And I will never have that recipe again! Thank you silveryaspen! ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-11-25: 11:53:00
So many great creates every day by such excellent wordsmiths, that I have trouble voting because it's hard to limit my choice for best to just two! I'm also amazed at all the new creations for the temporary re-run of old definitions! Almost proves everything is better the second time around!
Verbotomy - 2010-04-26: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James