Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., That sad feeling you get when you open the pizza box, and there's nothing left but grease stains. v. intr., To sit in front of an empty pizza box and sulk.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: diss/peet/zia
Sentence: Deep dish dyspizzia set in when he opened the Pizza Pizza box and found only crusts left in the box, his least favourite part of the meal.
Etymology: DYSPIZZIA - noun - from DYSPEPSIA (indigestion; disturbed digestion) + PIZZA
Another top word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-11: 16:58:00
Created by: MithrilShadow
Pronunciation: pēt-zas-tər
Sentence: Hungry, Jason waded through the room full of people to the pizza box, however when he opened them, they were empty. What a pizzaster!
Etymology: Pizza: a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked. Disaster: a sudden or great misfortune or failure
Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00
Created by: yellowbird
Pronunciation: don - wan
Sentence: Jake sat beside the empty pizza box, hungover and now feling donwan as well.
Etymology: donwan a play on don (head of Mafia family) and Don Juan.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: oyl/of/oy/vey
Sentence: He suffered pangs of oilofoyvey when he discovered nothing but a slick of grease in the empty pizza box.
Etymology: oil + oy vey (an exclamation of dismay or exasperation)+ oil of olay
Took me a minute -followed by a big goofy laugh on my part! - libertybelle, 2007-11-12: 13:53:00
Took me a little longer:100/100 for inventiveness! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:55:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: oyl/of/oy/vey
Sentence: He suffered pangs of oilofoyvey when he discovered nothing but a slick of grease in the empty pizza box.
Etymology: oil + oy vey (an exclamation of dismay or exasperation)+ oil of olay
Created by: yaelash
Sentence: he got home from work and his nose sensed the cheerful smell of warm fresh pizza. but when he finally reached the box, he felt the worst slicelack ever, finding out there was none left for him.
Etymology: slice + lack, meaning lack of slices.
Created by: Floatzilla
Pronunciation: Pity Pie
Sentence: Overcome with pitipie Josh stared longingly at the oil spider that signified the absence of pizza.
Etymology: Pity + Pizza Pie
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: deh-JOOR-no-morn
Sentence: When Brad opened each of the pizza boxes from the party of the night before and found them all empty all he could do is sit and look at the empty boxes, salivate from the tantalizing fragrances coming from within and digiornomourn with alligator tears leaking from his eyes.
Etymology: Blend of DiGiorno (pizza brand) and mourn
Created by: astorey
Pronunciation: crust-fall-en
Sentence: Jeremy came in hungry after canvassing in nearby neighborhoods all morning. He was crustfallen when he went through not one, not two, not 17, but all 23 pizza boxes at the campaign volunteer center only to find some picked-off olives and crumpled-up napkins. So crustfallen was he that he stripped off his candidate flair and defected to the other candidate, who did not have as many volunteers but had way more pizza.
Etymology: Crestfallen: "Sad because of a recent disappointment" altered to incorporate crust, as in pizza crust.
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-09: 13:41:00
Love got my vote. - Nosila, 2008-10-09: 21:32:00
Super special! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-11: 16:59:00
Created by: Juny1
Pronunciation: nef-t-pizza
Sentence: I looked at the box and i was neftpizza.
petaj - 2007-11-13: 02:15:00
On the menu today: Digiornomore Hawhine Sicilyearn Pepperawwni
wordmeister - 2007-11-13: 09:47:00
Sounds like a pizza box full of dashed dreams...
zxvasdf - 2008-10-09: 21:21:00
Dadgummit! This would've gotten my vote. Good one.