Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To prevent someone from participating in an undesired activity by engaging them in another activity which makes it impossible to do the first. n. Two things cannot be done at the same time.
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Created by: diyan627
Pronunciation: in cum pat eee cayk
Sentence: Barry is so dense...Nina plays incompaticake with him all the time to get him to stop doing things she doesn't like.
Etymology: incompatible + patty cake (game that would entertain a nearly primordial person :) The funny thing is, this is a real definition out there in Behavior Analysis Academia.. The real term for the technique is called Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible behaviors (DRI)
wonderful etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-22: 13:38:00
Is incompaticake the same as wedding -cake? - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 18:53:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sly ver shun ary
Sentence: Sandra kept Simon's activities on a short leash. Whenever he wanted to do something she did not approve of, she would create a slyversionary attack. For instance, major sporting events on television were missed because that darn tv "acted up again" or "the cable was out". How could he join his buddies hunting when his rifle and hunting license were not to be found anywhere? You get the picture, but Simon failed to notice the coincidence of these events.
Etymology: Sly (marked by skill in deception) & Diversionary (an attack calculated to draw enemy defense away from the point of the principal attack;a tactic that diverts attention)
the best word today! Very sly! - splendiction, 2009-07-02: 21:21:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /SNUB-sti-too-shun/
Sentence: Amanda had learned that when her boyfriend was arguing with her, the best thing to do was turn on the TV and tune in the sports channel. By using snubstitution, she could give his aggression another target. He would still be yelling and shouting, but gradually his attention would shift to the athletes and announcers on the TV instead of screaming at her. Also, sometimes when he was trying to be sweet, Don would serenade her in public, but he had a lousy singing voice — so she would just kiss him repeatedly until he gave up.
Etymology: Snub - to suddenly check or stop the action of; to reject (from Old Norse, snubba "to curse, scold, reprove") + Substitution - something which the place of something else; replacement (from Latin, substitutus "put in place of another")
Like your word and sentence - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 08:20:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: e/task/u/late
Sentence: Jenny had such control over Joe that she could easily etaskulate him. A planned night out at the pub with Joe's friends, or a Saturday golf game was always interrupted by Jenny's sudden urge to have him learn knitting, or help her sort her fashion magazine collection.
Etymology: ETASKULATE - VERB - from EMASCULATE (to castrate; to deprive of strength, or vigor; to weaken) + TASK
excellent! - galwaywegian, 2008-05-22: 07:55:00
estastic! - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-22: 13:37:00
Top word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 18:51:00
E-xcellent word! - Nosila, 2008-05-22: 20:42:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: soll-it-asking
Sentence: It helps to be good at solitarsking when working with preschoolers and trying to avoid little fingers getting up to mischief.
Etymology: solitary (single, one) + task (job, activity) inspired by the term multitasking which is really what is expected when the boss says you need to be multiskilled.
Clever blend,. Took me a while to catch on to it. I too 'toyed' with the unitasking concept for while. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 08:26:00
Actually could have used psycholdoggy here as well. Keep throwing a stick so the dog can't lick his unmentionables. - petaj, 2008-05-23: 02:36:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: prow SEE due
Sentence: Sam’s parents accomplished the amazing! He made his bed, vacuumed the downstairs, took out the garbage - all before breakfast! The procedo was that he couldn’t eat until his chores were done.
Etymology: From PROCEDURE and DO - to do a set activity before another activity.
A perfect placebo - Nosila, 2009-07-02: 13:20:00
- of course I would never give out a real procedo like this! - splendiction, 2009-07-04: 21:23:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ree - see - quen - chee - ate
Sentence: When Lenny's behavior went off-track, Mona decided to resequentiate him.
Etymology: re (again, repeat, change) sequential (one at a time), suffix "tiate" (as in initiate, substantiate)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Dy-ver-trik-eree
Sentence: To stop Ted's disgusting smoking habit, Sue thought she would try a bit of divertrickery, so she invested in a computer generated football game(football being his passion). Soon he was so engrossed in the game that all thoughts of smoking were forgotten, after all it does take two hands to use the control pad.
Etymology: Divert(to distract attention away from) + Trickery(A skilful act or scheme intended to outwit someone) = Divertrickery
I like it. - Mustang, 2008-05-22: 06:43:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-22: 13:36:00
Very good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 18:59:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: dis-trac-tiv-i-ty
Sentence: Jill learned to keep a distractivity in her purse for social situations with Jack. If he became bored, he would get into trouble. At her mother's dinner party she heard him start a lively conversation about the elections with Uncle Will. Quickly, she pulled a Game Boy out of her purse and sent him into the game room to wait for dinner.
Etymology: distract: divert attention + activity: an educational aid designed to stimulate learning through hands-on experience
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: va/sil/ah/sec/tummy
Sentence: After his vacilasectomy Jim couldn't bear the thought of staying focussed on anything for more than a few seconds.
Etymology: vacillate + vasectomy
Funny & nicely blended word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 08:18:00
One of those words that makes men cross their legs.. - Nosila, 2008-05-22: 20:43:00
Verbotomy - 2008-05-21: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by the "Joy of Incompatible Behaviors". It's Amy Sutherland's secret weapon for dealing with people who have annoying habits which they can't seem to control. The secret is not to try to stop them, but rather get them on another track. See: "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". Thanks Amy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-07-02: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by the "Joy of Incompatible Behaviors". It's Amy Sutherland's secret weapon for dealing with people who have annoying habits which they can't seem to control. The secret is not to try to stop them, but rather get them on another track. See: "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". Thanks Amy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-22: 01:14:00
Today's definition was suggested by amysutherland. Thank you amysutherland. ~ James