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'What are doing to the cubicles!?'

DEFINITION: v. To create an impression that you have made a positive contribution, especially when related to career activities. n. A personal mark or imprint which proves that you have done something that matters.

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Created by: metamondo


Sentence: Overcome by shambition, and determined to create the impression that her research had not been in vain, Jenny launched a campaign to have her worthless paper published in the journal du jour.


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: tag/gresh/shun

Sentence: Tommy couldn't control his taggression and tagged everything in sight.

Etymology: tag + aggression + expression

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: WURTH-print

Sentence: Who will leave the greater worthprint: Foo, Kilroy or Johnny Bunko?

Etymology: WORTH: usefulness or importance, as to the world, to a person or a purpose & PRINT: impression or mark; to impress on the mind or memory. As a schoolboy, in the 1950s, it was a lark to write "Foo was here!" Later on he was replaced by Kilroy. Looks like now it's about to be Johnny Bunko's turn. Actually, "Johnny Bunko was here!" sounds great.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: aht - oh - graft

Sentence: To insure that credit was given for his contributions to any endeavor, no matter how small or insignificant, Garrison would find some clever way to autograught his personal mark on the project.

Etymology: blend of the words autograph and graft, to attach as if by grafting.


nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-05: 16:15:00

Good one - Nosila, 2008-05-05: 21:33:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: re-mark-a-bull

Sentence: Johnny's work was remarkabull. He was more interested in impressing his supervisors and coworkers with his abilities than actually doing the work.

Etymology: (play on remarkable) remark: take notice of, observe + mark: evaluation/visible stroke or imprint/impression or outward appearance + able: qualified, capable + bull: attempt to mislead by talking nonsense, first four letters in a vulgarism referring to the excrement of a male bovine meaning unacceptable behavior


Totally Believabull...worked with many guys like Johnny! - Nosila, 2009-06-15: 14:23:00


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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: jahb-eh-fakt

Sentence: Johnny left little jobifacts around the office to look like he was busy working. He would leave papers by the printer of drafts of written work, he would save and stack his telephone messages (real and made up ones, mind you) on his desk, and left emails of his work exploits. He would often start sentences like, "You know Bob, I've been thinking about this . . ." or "What's been bothering me, Florence, about the Dithers' case is . . ." He constantly asked his co-workers if he could borrow their White-Out, extra large paper clips, or staples because he just "ran out." Whenever a report came out that had his name on it, he would post it on the staff bulletin board and pin it on the walls of his tiny cubicle. In essence, Johnny didn't do much.

Etymology: Job, profession, place of work + artifact, a spurious observation or result arising from preparatory or investigative procedures


Sounds like he was jobiquitous! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-06: 18:03:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: märkit

Sentence: As the project was wrapping up the office started looking like a forest meadow during rutting season. The prevailing wisdom was markit yourself. If they followed the practice of the animal world the paper produced would be rather soggy.

Etymology: mark (make (a visible impression or stain) + it (used to identify a person) A play on marketing.

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Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: pimp-pression

Sentence: Johnny wanted to make a good pimpression on his new boss. So he primped his hair, and then pimped up resume with some of his most pimpressive achievements -- like sorting all of his email, or attending and several meetings in the last month and remaining conscious during most of them!

Etymology: pimp+primp+impression

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: im/pri/my/tour

Sentence: If you want to ensure that people know you've been there, be sure to leave your imprimytour, especially if you're visiting the Vatican.

Etymology: imprimatur (seal, official approval, stamp)+ my + tour (stint, turn)

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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: ee-go-snark

Sentence: Evan was an egosnark. Everywhere he went he would interject what his imput to the project he gave, what he would have done if he was team leader and what others did wrong. He would put his initials on everything he did or owned and often would whisper under his breath.

Etymology: ego, self + snark, snide remark

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-05: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson #6: "Leave an imprint". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-05: 00:01:00
It was a tie!!! arrrteest and petaj tied for the number one spot in our Johnny Bunko Adventure! See: Petaj and Arrrteest Tie Johnny Bunko. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson #6: "Leave an imprint". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2011-11-23: 00:20:00
Today's definition was suggested by johnnybunko. Thank you johnnybunko. ~ James