Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To look up your own name on a search engine. n., The practice of using a search engine as a tool for self-realization, or perhaps just self-gratification, by repeatedly searching for information about yourself.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Hoo-am-i-keed-e-an
Sentence: Carlos was a somebody, at least in his own mind. He was going make sure there was a place for him in cyberspace. He was a bit of a whoamikidian. If the truth be telth, he was a bit silly and had a lot of time on his hands for whoamikiding.
Etymology: who am i? old DOS command + kidding (hood winking or telling a white lie) (perhaps to oneself) + comedian (person with comedic sence) + (bookended by) wikipedia (an on-line user generated information source)
Created by: bananabender
Pronunciation: yaa-hu-yu-hu
Sentence: He thought he was "somebody" until he yahooyoohooed on Yahoo!, google and every other search engine he could find, only to receive each time the reply "yahooyouwhowho???". He's in therapy now.
Etymology: YAHOO: search engine, exclamation of glee. YOOHOO: is somebody there?, calling out to get somebody's attention.
Nice ring and zing! Whew-hoo! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 17:59:00
Created by: wackyscience
Pronunciation: serch-own-info-ing
Sentence: Harry was searchowninfoing when his laptop went beserk and turned into an evil monster knowing only three words, "No Results Found.". Later, Harry wasn't found too.
Etymology: The word takes its roots from the action of searching one's own information on the internet or any other appropriate media.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ee-goog-le-tis-tick
Sentence: Les was so egoogletistic that he could spend hours checking to see if his information or webstats had changed since the last time he googled himself.
Etymology: eogtistic: excessive self-centeredness; to think, speak or write of oneself excessively + google: search engine + statistic: information, data
Created by: Dougalistic
Pronunciation: I-self-a-size
Sentence: He's such a tart always going on google and yahoo and msn search looking for himself, thinking he is some kind of superstar..' What? He doesn't iselfasise about himself does he?? What a poof.
Etymology: 'I' referring to the Internet, I-search, I-cam etc.. Self - That's self explanitory. Just asise as in fantasise, mesmerise etc..
I C U ... through the net of cyberspace. Good job! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 18:06:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: sahy-BES-uhns
Sentence: Seeking cybiquity, and in order to enhance his cybessence, Bob "U-tubed", "My-faced" and verbotomized from morning to night.
Etymology: CYBERESSENCE:(cyber&essence)Who one is in Cyberspace; ones name, image, works and deeds; ones life, very being, identifiable characteristics as a cyberoid. 2, CYBIQUITY: (cyber & ubiquity)-being everywhere at the same moment in cyberspace.
so that's what you do all day - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-23: 12:56:00
Wow ... what a way to put your ego essence into cyber space! (wink) (lol) - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 18:03:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: aw toe eee rot iss izm
Sentence: His autoeeroticism cost him two jobs, three marriages and approximately eight mousemats a year
Etymology: autoeroticism, ee as in e as in electronic
Excellent word. Marriages and jobs are one thing, but losing those mousemats is a devastating and traumatic experience. ;-) - Mustang, 2008-01-23: 07:59:00
very punny - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-23: 12:56:00
Fun pronounciation and creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 18:00:00
Created by: scrink
Pronunciation: gluht-ee-goh-in
Sentence: Where'd Tom go? He's such a gluttegon, you have to know he's searching for a WiFi connection to see what people are saying about his ankle cast.
Etymology: Glutton - a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something Ego - the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
Created by: Buzzardbilly
Pronunciation: ˈī-mä-nə-mā-nē-ə
Sentence: Since the article came out, he seems to be suffering from imonimania; he's worried he'll miss a word printed about him on the net.
Etymology: I + monomania (mental illness especially when limited in expression to one idea or area of thought or excessive concentration on a single idea), but with "moni" instead of "mono" to reflect "monitor" (both the verb and the screen)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mee ves tig ayt
Sentence: Hamela Hamderson, the cheeky Hamster would mevestigate herself on the Internet everyday. She was always finding news items, pictures and embarrassing Youtube submissions about her latest capers. It was surprising, as she was normally a humble hamster. It was also surprising that a rodent could read, write and use the Internet better than most humans.
Etymology: Me (first person singular;myself) & Investigate (conduct an inquiry or investigation of;seek information about)
Verbotomy - 2008-01-23: 00:30:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
yellowbird - 2008-01-23: 12:32:00
I had to suggest this one, since it's impossible to say 'He googled himself." with a straight face. :)
bananabender - 2008-01-23: 18:56:00
Great words to-day folks! Another fun day!
petaj - 2008-11-14: 06:33:00
Hi everyone, thought I'd come back and see if there were some new cartoons. Some real die hards still here I see.
Nosila - 2008-11-14: 22:00:00
Welcome back, petaj...hope you are rejoining us soon! Cheers!
mweinmann - 2008-11-15: 08:24:00
I am going on words from me next week. Have a great word week. I have given my logon to my daughter who is great with words but she probably won't have time to create any!!
Verbotomy - 2010-04-13: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James