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'I can't believe you left me here all day. Alone!'

DEFINITION: n., A sulky look characterized by prolonged eye contact, which pets give their owners and/or spouses when they feel neglected. v., To stare at someone with a sad-eyed look in an effort to make them feel guilty.

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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: piti-pout

Sentence: With his pitipout, Pooki, my pitiful Pomeranian, left me no choice but to quit my job and stay home to keep him company.

Etymology: pity (a feeling of empathy for another) + pout (a droopy facial expression of dismay or disappointment)

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Created by: Domhain




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Created by: FayeWord

Pronunciation: op-thal-moll-o-guilt

Sentence: Almost immediately as I saw the look of opthalmologuilt from her, I realized that I had forgotten her birthday.

Etymology: opthalmology (science of the eye) / guilt (guilty)

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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: lowguiltify is pnownced 'low' ad then the word 'guilt' and then 'fy'.

Sentence: My pet decided to lowguiltify he for making her feel neeglected .


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Created by: fourgirls

Pronunciation: pet seethe

Sentence: Craig's cat, Mouse, was very upset by his constant computer use. It could be seen in his petseething stare that he was in need of attention.

Etymology: pet and seething mad

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Created by: looseball


Sentence: Poor thing gave me that neglectapetalook


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: snivəlīz

Sentence: Tom always felt bad when he came home from work to find his dog and cat peering out the window as if they had been there forever. They would present him with their very best sniveleyes treatment as if they had been weeping all day long. The whole scenario changed when he found out the the wet eyes were a result of them being allergic to each other.

Etymology: snivel (complain in a whining or tearful way) + eyes (a pair of globular organs in the head through which people and vertebrate animals see) a play on civilize

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈpaʊdḷ/

Sentence: The default expression of my dog is a pouttle, so I can forgive him, but humans who do it make me want to smack them.

Etymology: sounds like "pout" but more cutesy

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Created by: gobidesert

Pronunciation: pet-an-tic

Sentence: The cat has been petantic all morning -- perhaps we should take it for a walk?

Etymology: Variation on pedantic.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: lone-leer

Sentence: It was the second time this month that Sue called in sick to work because her goldfish, Fluffy, gave her that loneleer when she was headed out the door.

Etymology: lone, leer

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

remistram - 2007-10-22: 10:34:00
Came up with this one thanks to my sucky-baby cat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 11:32:00
Your pet inspiration! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-10-22: 19:09:00
Petspiration? Nah, sounds a little too much like dog sweat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-23: 03:03:00
Pet sweat? That smells like a good idea for a definition. I will put it on the list. Thanks ErWenn! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-17: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

galwaywegian - 2011-07-06: 04:33:00