Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To obsess over, and fantasize about electronic gadgets even though you can never figure out how they actually work. n. A beautiful but useless gadget.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nurd-breyn
Sentence: John has to have every new device or gadget that hits the market. The only problem is he is such a nerdbrain that he can barely figure out how to open the package much less than make it work. The good thing is that he has pristine items to trade in or re-sell when the new one comes out.
Etymology: nerd (stupid or ridiculous person ) + birdbrain (a stupid, foolish, or scatterbrained person)
Created by: monkeyx013
Pronunciation: e-lekt-roh-gahj
Sentence: Stick your meta data in my electrogadge!
Etymology: From chimpanzee culture
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: IM-pluh-muh-NIG-muh
Sentence: Julie must've tangled with the ecclesiastical implications of her newfound implemenigma for at least half an hour before realizing it was just a fancy-schmancy garage door opener.
Etymology: implement + enigma
I don't think you have an appropriate appreciation for garage door openers. They are the first form of high penetration consumer electronic wireless door locking system. It's not often people trust their Buicks and belt-sanders to robots. Still, great word. - jadenguy, 2007-06-04: 11:01:00
This word makes me sound smart! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-04: 13:29:00
Garage door openers are nature's woodchuck drawbridge mechanisms. - Clayton, 2007-06-04: 21:40:00
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: g-or-j-uh-u-s-l-eh-ss
Sentence: Bob stared at the gorgauseless blue object in his hand wondering how it worked when Abby walked by and said "Put my paperweight down Bob!"
Etymology: gorgeous+useless
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: guess-moe
Sentence: To Jimmy anything with a seemingly random stream of letters and numbers after its name is a guessmo. The new iFadpad 7X37tz comes with a free firewall and is a shiny thing of beauty. But Jimmy didn't know if he could talk to his mum with it or if he was supposed to attach it to his wall and let it download the internet into his brain. Maybe it was just a fire alarm.
Etymology: A play on the word 'gizmo'. Having to guess at the function of a gadget due to a lack of technological knowledge.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: giz/bo
Sentence: His latest gizbo was a beautiful oak stand with a built in light to hold and display his pet rock.
Etymology: gizmo + bimbo
Gotta vote for Gizbo! - texmom, 2007-06-04: 16:52:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: wizz-bangst
Sentence: everytime the electronics catalogue arrived i was filled with whizzbangst
Etymology: whizz bang[new and exciting], angst
jeezwhiz I bet you felt the same way the first time you had celery filled with cheez whiz - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-04: 12:24:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: hal-loose-in-o-vate
Sentence: Nick the geek, had all the latest gadgets even though he couldn't use them. But his failure to master them was not enough to stop him hallucinnovating about what new gizmos would be available next week.
Etymology: hallucinate (fantasy vision) + innovation (something new, usually technological)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tek-neh-LODJ-eh-gewf
Sentence: Roger fancied himself to be very hip on evolving technology but he was, in fact, a technilogigoof, harboring much misinformation and many misperceptions, among them believing that RAM is a Dodge truck and an IPad a medical dressing used in eye injuries.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'technology' (n. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life) and 'goof' (n. a foolish or stupid person)
Haha! I love your sentence today Mustang. :) - Rhyme79, 2012-10-01: 11:17:00
Created by: shutz
Pronunciation: e-i-e-i-o, as in "Old McDonald had a farm"
Sentence: He kept buying eieios, and was running out of room to keep the useless but sexy gadgets.
Etymology: Comes from the recent marketing trend of adding e- and i- previxes to otherwise ordinary names to make them hip, current and modern. Also, the "io" part vaguely relates to "input/output", which is intrinsic aspect of all electronic devices, and can also
eieiooooo or eieioh would work as well! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-04: 13:28:00
You got my vote for originality and creativeness! - Stevenson0, 2007-06-05: 21:43:00
Verbotomy - 2007-06-04: 01:33:00
Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-06-04: 01:55:00
Read about Jabberwocky's Garden of Verbal Delights in Verbotoweek.
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 00:56:00
pronunciation: uh-GOG-uh-tek........... sentence:Poor old Ira Gobler was AGOGATECH at his designer's latest device.He was so AGOGATECH that he let the factory's flaccid finances flow into a virtual vat of vapors while he thoughtfully tinkered and tweaked the tin toys and gamboled among the gizmoes generated just beyond the grounded iron gates of the fabrication facility...Someday...he would write an operator's manual...................... etymology: Agog+at+Technology=aGOGatech!
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 01:12:00
Sometimes my "comments" seem to appear in the wrong places....if only some clever soul would invent a GIZBO to prevent that.
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 01:20:00 brain hurts.....
Verbotomy - 2009-12-29: 00:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz. ~ James