Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A special ability lets you focus on the big picture without getting distracted by those busy little details. v. To skip over the details while focusing on the big picture.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: timmy
Pronunciation: Cool wow
Sentence: Thats cool wow.
Etymology: For something that's awesome.
- timmy, 2007-01-28: 12:59:00
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: BOOSH-vizh-yun
Sentence: When Andy started using his shotgun to swat flies, we knew he'd become afflicted with bushvision.
Etymology: Bush + vision
Yes, Andy used the big guns to shoot big picture... - wordmeister, 2007-01-26: 00:54:00
Created by: Fenners
Pronunciation: tunnel - vision - ism
Sentence: He has tunnelvisionism. He can't see the little things in life.
Etymology: tunnel-vision + ism!
Created by: Buzzardbilly
Pronunciation: hə-ˈrī-zən-rīzd
Sentence: v. He was so horizonized that he could never focus on how to pay attention to the little details of how to reach a big goal. Instead, he stumbled through life unable to see the potholes because he couldn't stop focusing on the horizon. n. His horizonization was the worst. The man walked around with bees on his face, his fly unzipped, and some part of breakfast dangling from a lip corner, yet he was completely oblivious to it all because he was a slave to the big picture but a zombie on the day-to-day.
Etymology: Horizon - the boundary one sees in the furthest distance where sky meets earth as far as they eye believes. Also from Greek present participle of horizein meaning "to bound, define" and Mesmerize - Which is the eponymous word for what F.A. Mesmer did, which was to hypnotize.
Slave and zombie all at once -- great image - jrogan, 2009-08-28: 23:01:00
Great word...horizontal thinking at it's best! - Nosila, 2009-08-28: 23:41:00
Created by: cryptc
Sentence: Dave never bothered with the little things, so his friends suspected he was afflicted by microblindness.
Created by: hoylus
Pronunciation: pan-uh-ram-ee-mey-nee-uh
Sentence: due to his panoramimania, Bo couldn't see the trees for the wood.
Etymology: panorama - 'an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions' Mania - 'excessive excitement or enthusiasm; craze'
Created by: kyotonils
Pronunciation: dee-ny-o'-pi-a
Sentence: Even after a panel of long-time experts advised him to pull out of Iraq, Bush's denyopia would not allow him to consider it.
Etymology: deny+opia (eye disorders such as myopia, near-sightedness, and presbyopia, inablilty to see presbyterians)
Hey kyotonils, You should get a job as a speech writer at the white house! I'm sure the president would love to expand his vocabulary, and you could help him do it! - wordmeister, 2007-01-26: 07:14:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: mi-nyu-she-o-pi-a
Sentence: Larry's lack of ability to see the small picture was due to his minutiopia. Mary took him to the opthamologist, but unfortunately, there was no script there to help his oversightedness.
Etymology: minutia: a small or trivial detail + opia: suffix that indicates a visual condition or defect(as in myopia - the inability to see distances or short sighted)
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: nay/slay/ing
Sentence: As a result of his nayslaying abilities, George figured the world would be a better place ...but what he hadn't counted on was the lack of sustained applause from the peanut gallery.
Etymology: nay + slaying
ErWenn - 2007-01-27: 09:53:00
Lots of good ones today.
wordmeister - 2007-01-27: 23:48:00
Yeah, it's very confuzzling! There's a stingleminded farblightness to many of the words... Excellent!