Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. The colorful array of plastic bags and other debris which blossom on the trees, thanks winter's whistling winds -- and a few careless neighbors. v. To watch your garbage caress the landscape, as it blows in the wind.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: for - rest - fli - urs
Sentence: Remember to pick up your trash, especially plastic bags and paper....because only you can prevent forest fliers....
Etymology: Forest and Fliers
Super Duper! Luv it! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-02: 17:23:00
terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-02: 18:21:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: polly-vi-nal-flora
Sentence: In the spring, the landscape and trees are dotted with the colorful, shiny sprouts of polyvinylflora. The government, however, is considering banning the use of PVF (polyvinylflora) as seasonal decorations.
Etymology: 1. poly: poly(mer)--a chemical compound found in plastic 2. vine: a plant having a long, slender stem that anchors itself by wrapping around a support, such as a branch 3:vinyl: a tough, shiny plastic 4. flora:plants considered as a group
Good one, mrsk - Nosila, 2009-04-02: 21:55:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: lit ter nit tee
Sentence: The runaway plastic bags caught in the Smith's now-bare maple tree were a display in multi-colors. More and more of them wedged in the branches each day. Once caught there, they never seemed to leave. The bright colors were on display for all litternity. Who knew when they were invented, that plastic bags would be used to decorate the landscape after they had carried home the groceries?
Etymology: Litter (rubbish;garbage;trash) & Eternity (time without end;a seemingly endless time interval)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: tim-bur-trash
Sentence: After the long weekend party, the trailor trash left all kinds of timbertrash.
Etymology: timber (as in trees, wood) + trash (as in garbage)
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: gahr-bihn-gherz
Sentence: Once it had warmed up, Grandpa Bill loved taking little Olive out for walks or drives. He could point out all the garbingers of Spring clothing the countryside: the Cokasis, the PigglyWigglias, the Walmarthias, the Safewaysias, and in more exclusive areas, the rare TraderJoenums and Rodeodrendums.
Etymology: GARB, meaning clothing + GARBAGE, meaning refuse + HARBINGER, meaning a precursor or herald
Hysterical. - mrskellyscl, 2009-04-02: 06:14:00
I always admire the brilliant pink of the supre carriandras - petaj, 2009-04-02: 06:45:00
Exceptional flowairy prose! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-02: 10:02:00
good one rw - galwaywegian, 2009-04-02: 14:18:00
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-02: 18:21:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mar rye ah kerree awl
Sentence: Ben & Elizabeth knew that spring was just around the corner. Sure most of the snow had gone, the air was a bit warmer, robins were returning and gophers still hadn't learned to avoid the road. But the main reason they knew was because their trees were littered by mariahcarryall. Every color of plastic bag was hung like an ornament on most branches. Paper cups from every fast food outlet for miles around decorated the gutters, jammed themselves on the fence and added to the colorful springtime signal. When they spotted this each spring, the musical couple (they played in the wind section) would gale-ly sing their rites of spring song, with much gust-o: "Away out here they got a name for wind and rain and fire. The Rain is Mess, The fires Grow and they call the wind Mariahcarryall. Mariah blows the trash around, and sends the roll-up-the-rim cups a flyin', Mariah makes the trees abound, with poly messes of every kind!"
Etymology: Mariah (from "Paint Your Wagon", Lerner & Loewe...a song named" They call the wind Mariah" also recorded by the Kingston Trio) & Mariah Carey (popular singer, whose mother named her after the wind in the above song) & Carry (take away, be conveyed over a distance) & All (everything) & Carryall (something large that carries a lot of things)
Nice construction...I thought you might be jealous of MC's tree-trunk thigs...until i read further.
Good one, guardian of the nose! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-02: 02:04:00
Great song for this day/definition. I really liked your revised rendition. Windsome! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-02: 02:14:00
like the way your mind works woman! - galwaywegian, 2009-04-02: 03:37:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: litt er cling
Sentence: The gusts of wind blew loose garbage and debris from the ground in great swirling motions along the streets. The wind swirls were littercling the prickly shrubs, not yet budding, and trees, still dry and dormant. They continued littercling lamposts and swathing the city’s streets and surfaces. The litterclings revealed a decorative mix of discarded plastic remnants of garbage bags and other such permamatter.
Etymology: From litter and cling. It is the effect of wind depositing trash on prickly trees etc.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: lit ter a chur
Sentence: The wayward plastic blooms clinging to the bare trees were a form of visual litterature for Kathy. She found the essay in messy,the use in refuse, the rash in trash and the bag in garbage. Waste not, want not became her battle cry. She would use the pen in aspen to describe her strew love...
Etymology: Litter (garbage,refuse) & Literature (creative writing of recognized artistic value;a picture painted with words)
Created by: harleyquinade
Sentence: the of superstitions, the method, the patterns, the workings, their soul laid bare.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: art/dee/calm/pose/ing
Sentence: There is a new avant-garbage exhibition in our neighbourhood called artdecomposing. Complementary face masks are being distributed.
Etymology: art deco + decomposing
Appreciating the elegance of this one... - readerwriter, 2009-04-02: 06:26:00
Double witticisms with a French Fullair! Reek Chic! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-02: 09:51:00
Jabberwocky~ What a great mind you have :)"neighbourhood" - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-03: 04:40:00
The posting cut OFF!!! where I had also said, I am part French... - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-03: 04:42:00

Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2009-04-02: 01:53:00
Moving defintion and cartoon, Metrohumanx and James. They inspired me to say something I never thought I would: I prefer the blustering spring snows and ice on the two maples in my yard.
Who couldn't love the charming effect of a polypropylene tree ornament? -perhaps tatooed carny babes?
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-03: 04:34:00
Great definition Metrohumanx :) & Cartoon James :) I LIKE IT!
Thank you! I have always loved watching garbage blowing in the wind. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James