Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To feel stressed and anxious and when your mobile phone runs out of battery power, drops its network connection, or in the worst case, gets misplaced and lost. n. A panic attack caused by an interruption in your mobile phone service.
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Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: go PHONE off
Sentence: Matty would gophoneoff! completely stark raving mad that her cell momentarily would lose service. Were subways SUPPOSED to go underground!
Etymology: A combination of “GO OFF” or to go mad, and phone.
Created by: Suzanne112
Sentence: Your phone doesn't work, you can't help it. Your phone crashes, and you.
Created by: torontorc
Pronunciation: sell-a-break
Sentence: I was talking to my mom when all of a sudden for no flippin' reason, I had a cellabreak and she was gone.
Created by: Kazizzle
Pronunciation: moh/bull/grown
Sentence: Denise released a loud mobilegroan when she realized her cell phone didn't get service in Europe.
Etymology: "Mobile phone" - a portable telephone and "Groan" - a low, guttural sound of frustration.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: sell-FO-bya
Sentence: Celine would suffer bouts of debilitating cellphobia whenever her cell phone service suffered even a momentary outage and as often as not she'd shriek or make other kinds of noises that gave those around her great concern.
Etymology: Blend of 'cell' (short name for cell phone) and 'phobia' (irrational fear)
She needs to get weaned off cells gradually with some cell-you-light! Good Word. - Nosila, 2009-05-22: 11:54:00
Created by: stephboo43
Pronunciation: cell-add-ict
Sentence: she is such a celladdict, she can't go 5 minutes without cell phone service.
Created by: ziggy
Pronunciation: fay-tal-mo-bia
Sentence: A panic arising from the threat of imminent disconnection whilst holding a conversation on your cell phone.
Etymology: fatal-dead mo-mobile bia-from phobia
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: dee - ring - d
Sentence: Cindy became positively deringed when her cell phone lost power during the thunderstorm.
Etymology: deranged, ring (as in phone call)
Created by: ErikLarson
Pronunciation: NO-sig-FObia
Sentence: I suffer from a very serious case of Nosigphobia.
Etymology: No- None Sig- Signal Phobia- Fear of
Created by: Pmac46
Pronunciation: Dis-con-ex-uh-fobe-ee-uh
Sentence: The crazy looking girl's case of Disconnexaphobia has caused her to have a panic attack as she lost service while going into a tunnel.
Etymology: Dis- "lack of" + connex- "join together" + a +phobia- fear
stache - 2008-04-03: 01:35:00
stache - 2008-04-03: 01:37:00
to whom is credit for the definition owed, james?
Verbotomy - 2008-04-03: 07:55:00
Ah... Actually I made it up! Cheers ~ James
stache - 2008-04-03: 18:47:00
way to go.
youmustvotenato - 2011-10-27: 15:30:00
holy smokes, half the universe gave a verboticism