Verboticism: Egotesticle

'Crap! Crap!'

DEFINITION: To be so obsessed with your own cleverness and wittiness that you don't listen to what anyone else is saying, let alone understand them.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: eee go tesc ick ill

Sentence: His egotesticle behaviour, laughing uproariously at his own jokes and singing to himself while others spoke, left him isolated at breaktimes. He would often wonder (sometimes audibly)how so many lesbians managed to get a job with one company.

Etymology: egotistical, testicle

Points: 470

Comments: Egotesticle

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-06: 06:11:00
you do have to give him some credit - he does have balls

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-06: 06:46:00
Balldacious word!

Clayton - 2007-07-06: 07:36:00
Aw, nuts... you guys beat me to it.

Alchemist - 2007-07-06: 08:06:00
Don't get testy...

rikboyee - 2007-07-06: 08:12:00
cum on people... you'll all get the sac in minute...between this thread and good taste there is a vas deference

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-06: 08:36:00
HA! Sovary funny rik!

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-06: 08:43:00
Oh I wish I were an Oscar Wilder wiener - oops sorry that's for Rikee's word

petaj - 2007-07-06: 08:44:00
This gamete's pretty funny.

petaj - 2007-07-06: 08:56:00
So his brain was, where? In escrow Tom.

Kyoti - 2007-07-06: 10:57:00
As the wise Greek philosoper Epididymis once commented, "Don't let it all go to your head!" ;D

Kyoti - 2007-07-06: 11:01:00
As the wise Greek philosoper Epididymis once commented, "Don't let it all go to your head!" ;D

Kyoti - 2007-07-06: 11:03:00
Ummm... ignore one of those. Sighhh...

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-06: 11:19:00
Doesn't that make you gonad when you post a "set"?