Verboticism: Lexluthorian

'Ahhh! My hair! Don't let them see me like this!'

DEFINITION: v. To remain calm, steadfast and ploddingly systematic in the midst of a huge freaking disaster. n. A person who systematizes everything from their morning routines to personal relationships.

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Created by: whatley

Pronunciation: lecks-loo-thor-ee-an

Sentence: As Paris the city of lights burned in the distance Bob remained lexluthorian, loading up the water, guns, and antibiotics before heading into town to look for survivors

Etymology: 1938 - Eng. "Lex Luthor" like. Lex Luthor never panicked, even when a 6 foot tall invincible flying man was kicking down the 4 foot thick steel door to his lair. He just got out the kryptonite and chilled.

Points: 374