Verboticism: Subterfridge

'I didn't get an MBA for nothing.'

DEFINITION: n. The art of sneaking to the office kitchen without having to take orders from your colleagues for coffee, or tea, or anything... v. To sneak in and out of the office kitchen without getting caught.

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: sub/ter/frij

Sentence: With careful subterfridge, Jill was able to disappear beside the fridge and take an uninterupted coffee break

Etymology: subterfuge (trick used to escape) + fridge

Points: 464

Comments: Subterfridge

purpleartichokes - 2007-03-30: 11:17:00
Very good porsche!

porsche - 2007-03-30: 12:13:00
thanks very much purpleartichokes

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-30: 12:58:00
Shrewd. Beats everything remotely ninja-related. Except possibly heroes in a half-shell.

petaj - 2007-04-01: 02:36:00
That's an unenticing environment under the fridge. Hope that's only coffee grounds in Jill's mug.

pinwheel - 2007-04-01: 07:57:00