Verboticism: Heckspletive

'What did you just call me?'

DEFINITION: v. To use alternative "code words" instead of proper cuss words, in an effort to satisfy people offended by such vulgarisms. n. A word used as a replacement for an obscene or profane expletive.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: hek-spli-tiv

Sentence: As the pastor of his church John can't use profane language. As a human that is subject to anger or pain, he has found his own set of heckspletives to get him through these times. Where someone else might say "Shut the F___ up", John will say "Hush the frog up". Where someone else might tell someone to "Go to Hell", John smiles tells them to "have a nice time at the BBQ". Even though he gets blank stares sometimes, he feels better that he knows what he meant.

Etymology: heck (used as a mild expression of annoyance, rejection, disgust, etc.) + expletive (an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane; an exclamatory oath)

Points: 986