Verboticism: Buckawlkwalk
DEFINITION: n. A person who, despite professional lessons and incessant practice, cannot dance without looking like a ruptured goose. v. To dance in an awkward or clumsy manner.
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: |bʌk|ː|ˈɔ|ː|wɔːk|
Sentence: Wally was a former member of the KKK who used to, but never really got the hang of, wearing a sheet over his head during ceremonial performance. The resulting trip was often interpreted as a two left footed step but in fact was the initial move of the Wally BuckAwlkWalk. Not to get in too much of a flap about it, Wally was known for his awkwardedness.
Etymology: The sound a chicken makes and the associated gait of a feeding chuck
Points: 821