Verboticism: Lemonaide

'You've done such a good job emptying your beer bottles.'

DEFINITION: v., To imply that person is usually unhelpful when asking for their assistance. n., An unwilling, unproductive and uninhibitedly useless helper.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: lem un AYD

Sentence: The kindergarten teacher, Ms. Loving, was hoping that her new teacher assistant, Eve, would be as energetic as her previous one had been. Instead, Eve was lazy, had no initiative, and proved be more of a lemonaide. Ms. Loving took to calling her Eve Aide behind her back, because that's what Eve did every time there was a bulletin board to be made or shapes to be cut.

Etymology: lemon (something that is unreliable or doesn't work; a disappointment) + aide (helper)

Points: 683