Verboticism: Stenchion

'You must me so hot in those boots.'

DEFINITION: n. Anxiety caused by fear that one's body odor may offend others; often exacerbated when required to remove heavy sweaters, or footwear.v. To worry about the way you smell.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: sten-chen

Sentence: Mark was laying on the gurney in the emergency room after his injury and his stenchion level began to rise when he realized that he was still wearing his lucky underwear that he hadn't changed since the beginning of the season. Now his mother would find out about it. She had warned him. It didn't matter that he had two gold gloves and an MVP, what would the doctor think about him?

Etymology: stench: strong, foul odor + tension: mental, emotional or nervous strain -- baseball players are notorious for being highly superstitious and will regard certain articles of clothing as being "lucky." They have been known to go for weeks without taking off socks, charms, underwear, etc. as long as they're hitting well.

Points: 551