Verboticism: Missedgiving

'I can't believe you forgot my birthday! Whaaa!'

DEFINITION: v. To remember those special personal events, like your spouse's birthday, or your wedding anniversary, while nevertheless forgetting to take appropriate action, like getting a gift, or a card, or flowers. n. A gift that was thought of, but not purchased.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: mist GIV ing

Sentence: Laura was anxious because her husband seemed to really be downplaying her upcoming birthday. She suspected that he thought that she wouldn't want attention brought to it, since it was her 40th. But she really wanted all the trappings - the big party, fancy jewelry, and maybe an expensive trip. She figured she deserved the attention! But she was starting to have some missedgivings....

Etymology: missed + misgivings

Points: 512

Comments: Missedgiving

mrskellyscl - 2009-10-23: 11:56:00
good word

Nosila - 2009-10-23: 22:42:00
Excellent word!