Verboticism: Narsisilly

'I may not have the body of a peacock...'

DEFINITION: n. An individual who is so self-absorbed and cocksure that they cannot understand why their mating calls, or "pick-up lines", do not generate the desired response. v. To repeatedly issue mating calls.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: närsəsilē

Sentence: Andy thought of his pick-up lines were narsuccinct, brief and clear and, of course, about him. Most women thought of them as narsisilly. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Not in Andy\'s case. The nothing that happened in Vegas was the same nothing that followed him home and took up residence in his bedroom.

Etymology: narcisism (excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one\'s physical appearance) + silly (having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment)

Points: 581