Verboticism: Repetitunitis

'If I don't get this stupid song out of my head...'

DEFINITION: n. A state of reduced mental capacity, caused by an inability to think of anything but an annoying pop song, which seems to be endlessly repeating itself in your mind. v. To play a stupid song in your head, over and over again.

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Created by: dovey1

Pronunciation: rE pet ti tune Itis

Sentence: I have been suffering all day with a very bad case of repetitunitis.

Etymology: repeti for repetitive -pertaining to or characterized by repetition. tun for tune- to put a musical instrument in tune (often fol. by up). to give forth a musical sound. to be in harmony or accord; become responsive. itis for itis-a suffix used in pathological terms that denote inflammation of an organ (bronchitis; gastritis; neuritis) and hence, in extended senses, nouns denoting abnormal states or conditions, excesses, tendencies, obsessions, etc. (telephonitis; baseballitis).

Points: 449

Comments: Repetitunitis

Nosila - 2009-09-11: 23:35:00
Excellent first attempt,dovey1, welcome aboard!