Verboticism: Bracenvader

'I'll just wait here until you're free.'

DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Bray-s/zen-vay-dah

Sentence: Jason felt his frown tightening as he tried desperately to ignore the woman tugging at his arm and looking over his shoulder while he was on the phone. He had always known his colleague to be a hoverdraft but this was getting ridiculous, he was almost falling off his chair. Dammit, now he'd have to pay attention to the bracenvader, and that was what he always tried to avoid. She was, however, starting to look somewhat manic - what fresh melodramantics would she come up with now?

Etymology: Brazen - impudent, rude or audacious; Brace - (informal) to solicit; Brace - support or preparedness, as in to 'brace oneself' against the invasion of personal space and the demands Bracenvaders make on you; Invader - one who invades or enters where they are not allowed, wanted or welcome; SpaceInvader - from the early computer game with invading hordes of aliens, also being someone who invades your personal space habitually and engenders discomfort and social awkwardness by doing so. Also hoverdraft (hover + draft) and melodramantics (melodrama + antics)

Points: 875

Comments: Bracenvader

splendiction - 2009-05-19: 22:26:00