Verboticism: Snackristy

DEFINITION: n. A hiding place which is used to store emergency supplies like donuts, booze and candies. v. To hide special treats in secret locations around your home or office, so you can access them when needed.
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: /snahk-riss-tee/
Sentence: The priest would hide candy bars and sodas within the snackristy to tempt the gangly altar boys and the painted Jezabels of the parish to stay after mass and accept his catechism.
Etymology: sacristy - the room in a church where the sacred items are kept; snack - a small quantity of food betwixt meals to prevent the gut from digesting itself
Points: 1211
Comments: Snackristy
metrohumanx - 2009-03-18: 04:28:00
Domenic- go frisk 'em.
readerwriter - 2009-03-18: 08:21:00
galwaywegian - 2009-03-18: 10:17:00
(W)holy unacceptable :)
silveryaspen - 2009-03-18: 11:30:00
Tad sackreligious! Very Clever!
mweinmann - 2009-03-18: 12:56:00
Also snackreligious....and funny