Verboticism: Rejuvenotions

'Wow! This anti-aging cream really works!'

DEFINITION: n. Creams, potions, and other concoctions which allegedly mask the effects of aging. v. To apply creams to your skin in a desperate attempt to make yourself look younger.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: re joo ven no shuns

Sentence: Despite, faithfully using the dreamcreams and miracalotions, after age sixty, seeing my aging face in a mirror, causes me to wrinkcoil away from the image. They do not work. But hope springs eternal, so we women never give up on our silly rejuvenotions!

Etymology: REJUVENATIONS by POTIONS and LOTIONS are unrealistic NOTIONS = REJUVENOTIONS. The last two syllables in the pronunciation could be part of the etymology as well ... for we do it in hopes of 'NO SHUNS'.

Points: 1067

Comments: Rejuvenotions

silveryaspen - 2009-02-16: 01:55:00
Mirror, mirror on the wall .... lie to me! Please!

mweinmann - 2009-02-16: 08:00:00
here, hear....hard to resist the promise!!

galwaywegian - 2009-02-16: 09:44:00
hope they led to rejuvemotions!

Jabberwocky - 2009-02-16: 10:57:00
clever blend

splendiction - 2009-02-16: 18:01:00
Clever! I enjoyed your sentence with all its great verbot's!