Verboticism: Joulery

DEFINITION: n. A valentine gift which does not cause weight gain. v. To give a non-fattening gift as a symbol of love, which should not be interpreted -- under any circumstances -- as a comment on the recipient's weight.
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: jool-er-ee
Sentence: As Carmella stared at the softly gleaming string of pearls in front of her, she knew she had invented the perfect Valentine's gift. She would apply for the patent today! The hard, round vitamin-packed, sugar-free morsels she had meticulously drilled holes in would be called "joulery." Her company would be called Aunty's Joules because, of course, she was against anyone gaining weight from eating her creation. She knew she had a winner in these tough economic times. Dinner and a gift, all in one!
Etymology: A play on JOULE, meaning the energy created by caloric intake.
Points: 1499
Comments: Joulery
silveryaspen - 2009-02-09: 10:47:00
When Carmella discovered her pearls weren't real, was she shocked?
readerwriter - 2009-02-09: 15:14:00
Yes, especially as they were cast before swine!
silveryaspen - 2009-02-09: 19:48:00