Verboticism: Bridegloom

'Thank goodness you walked in!'

DEFINITION: n. The mental state induced by the discovery your new husband, and your maid of honor, entangled in the satin sheets given to you as a wedding present by your grandmother. v. To catch your new husband in a close quarters with a close friend.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: bryd - gloom

Sentence: Coming into the honeymoon bedroom with joyful expectations only to find her new husband, Brad, and her best friend Miranda staining grandmas heirloom satin sheets, Samantha first had a hysterical fit followed by a case of very deep and foreboding bridegloom.

Etymology: Blend of bride and gloom, play on the word 'bridegroom'.

Points: 728

Comments: Bridegloom

Jabberwocky - 2008-06-11: 12:13:00
great word

Nosila - 2008-06-11: 21:40:00
good one...

OZZIEBOB - 2008-06-12: 08:19:00