Verboticism: Uberuseabuse

'Is that toilet paper on your clothesline?'

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively wash and excessively reuse "disposable items", like paper cups, plastic utensils or kleenex tissues. n. An obsessive compulsion to reuse disposable items, often combined with a disposal inhibition.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: oober-yoos-a-byoos

Sentence: The whole family was suffering from Nanna's uberuseabuse since it had progressed from crocheting floor rugs from plastic breadbags to soaking bandaids in bleach and then smearing some adhesive on them to re-stick them on the grandkids grazed knees.

Etymology: uber (over) + use + abuse (what happens when you force someone to re-use their disposable nappy or bandaid)

Points: 1169