Verboticism: Clockstraphobia

'You had to get up an hour earlier?'

DEFINITION: n. The fatigue brought on by the loss of one hour of sleep, especially if caused by something beyond your control, like the conversion to daylight savings time, barking dogs, or an addiction to late night TV. v. tr. To lose one hour of sleep.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: clok - struh - fo - bee - ya

Sentence: Arlene both feared and hated the twice yearly time changes and suffered severe clockstraphobia resulting in crabbiness and irritability.

Etymology: Clock plus phobia

Points: 839

Comments: Clockstraphobia

Nosila - 2008-03-12: 02:01:00
Good one, Mustang, even a broken clock is right twice a day!

silveryaspen - 2008-03-12: 10:09:00