Verboticism: Zootard

'I think Uncle Mikey taught our parrot a new word!'

DEFINITION: v. To leave your pet, child or lover in the care of a friend or relative who teaches them a stupid trick or bad habit. n. A stupid trick or bad habit learned from a caregiver.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: prank-mar

Sentence: Bonny was starting to suspect that her mother was behaving subversively when babysitting her toddlers. Every time they stayed at Nanna's they would spend the following days saying that singlets were uncool, only dweebs wore hats and that making them tidy up their toys was inhibiting their creative development. Bonny was ready to confront Nanna about the prankmas.

Etymology: prank (joke, jape, trick) + grandma (an overly put upon family member who often cares for their grandchildren)


welcome back petaj - great little story - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-26: 13:14:00

Good comeback! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-26: 16:13:00

Clever interplay! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-26: 19:25:00

petaj thanks for the welcome back - although I did verbotomize a couple of days back it has been weeks since i played regularly. - petaj, 2008-02-27: 05:29:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: paw lee graft

Sentence: When the family went on their long vacation, they had left their green conure, Polly, with Uncle Mikey to "birdsit". Polly had developed an good vocabulary saying things like "Hello", "I love you", "Give me a kiss" and of course, "Polly wanna cracker". After they had taken Polly home, they noticed strange words crept into his vocabulary. Phrases like "Hand over all your money", "Just co-operate and no one gets hurt" and "Curses, it's the cops" were liberally sprinkled with swear words through his everyday chats. Horrified, they confronted Uncle Mikey and he admitted that he had pollygraft Polly and had used him in some of his criminal activities. Uncle Mikey was then polygraphed himself and sentenced. These days, Mikey is the one locked up in a cage and Polly now sings "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna doi when they come for you?"

Etymology: Polly (common name for a Parrot or other talking bird) & Graft (corrupt actions of official: the use of dishonest or illegal means to gain money or property by somebody in a position of power or in elected office or money obtained corruptly: something obtained illegally by taking advantage of high position or office)...Wordplay on Polygraphed (a medical instrument that records several physiological processes simultaneously (e.g., pulse rate and blood pressure and respiration and perspiration) most commonly called a Lie Detector when used in police interrogations)

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Created by: Haydon

Pronunciation: fac- turb

Sentence: Bobby facturb his little sister when he babysat her.

Etymology: Fac-to make turb- disturb

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Created by: OllyBiss




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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kon/trer/giv/er

Sentence: "Every time I'm left with that @%&dam !@#$%&* contrargiver brother of yours, I come back with !@#$%&* awful language like this," lamented Fudgy, my beloved parakeet.

Etymology: contrary + caregiver


Great etymology! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-26: 19:28:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: əngkəloōd

Sentence: The kids loved it when Uncle Lew came to visit or to babysit. Cindy is a bit hesitant to ask him to watch the kids. She was never sure what unclewd trick or stunt he would teach them. Last time it was **pull my finger** for the 2-year-old. The time before that, Michael Jackson-style crotch grabs for the 4-year-old. What next?

Etymology: uncle (the brother of one*s father or mother or the husband of one\'s aunt) + lewd (crude and offensive in a sexual way)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bäbnäkshəs

Sentence: Sending her kids to spend the summer with her brother Robert seemed like a good idea at the time. What Sharon got back was two kids loaded down with Bobnoxious tricks and stunts; everything from ”pull my finger” from Janie, her 4-year old to pails of water over her door from 7-year old Tom. She can’t wait until next summer when she hosts Bob’s kids.

Etymology: Bob (nickname for Robert) obnoxious (extremely unpleasant)

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: harm you kay shun

Sentence: When Harry met Sally, she was a nice lady, polite, well-mannered, and a delight to see. By example, Harry taught her to pick her nose and scratch her bottom, and to shovel all the food on her plate, to make sure no one else got some. Now, Harry is sorry and sad to tell, his harmucations have made Sally as irritating as ... ahem ... well ... himself!

Etymology: Harm You, Educations - teaching people bad habits is giving them harmucations.

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Created by: frungavoot




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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: miss de mine der

Sentence: Rex's new misdeminers had increased since she left him for a fortnight with her teenage nephew. Chief among the new ones was his ability to whip the knickers off any visiting lady who got near enough to pat his head.

Etymology: misdemeanor, minder


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-26: 11:28:00

like it - yellowbird, 2008-02-26: 15:28:00

Very good! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-26: 16:00:00

So innovative! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-26: 19:10:00


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