Verboticism: Litterature

'Look Daddy! A pink and yellow one!'

DEFINITION: n. The colorful array of plastic bags and other debris which blossom on the trees, thanks winter's whistling winds -- and a few careless neighbors. v. To watch your garbage caress the landscape, as it blows in the wind.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: lit ter a chur

Sentence: The wayward plastic blooms clinging to the bare trees were a form of visual litterature for Kathy. She found the essay in messy,the use in refuse, the rash in trash and the bag in garbage. Waste not, want not became her battle cry. She would use the pen in aspen to describe her strew love...

Etymology: Litter (garbage,refuse) & Literature (creative writing of recognized artistic value;a picture painted with words)

Points: 986