Verboticism: Littercling

'Look Daddy! A pink and yellow one!'

DEFINITION: n. The colorful array of plastic bags and other debris which blossom on the trees, thanks winter's whistling winds -- and a few careless neighbors. v. To watch your garbage caress the landscape, as it blows in the wind.

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: litt er cling

Sentence: The gusts of wind blew loose garbage and debris from the ground in great swirling motions along the streets. The wind swirls were littercling the prickly shrubs, not yet budding, and trees, still dry and dormant. They continued littercling lamposts and swathing the city’s streets and surfaces. The litterclings revealed a decorative mix of discarded plastic remnants of garbage bags and other such permamatter.

Etymology: From litter and cling. It is the effect of wind depositing trash on prickly trees etc.

Points: 845