Verboticism: Pondsdeleon

'Wow! This anti-aging cream really works!'

DEFINITION: n. Creams, potions, and other concoctions which allegedly mask the effects of aging. v. To apply creams to your skin in a desperate attempt to make yourself look younger.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ponds de leeon

Sentence: Mother had used her cold cream since anyone could remember, faithfully twice a day, after cleansing. When she looked in the mirror, she saw herself as a younger woman, then the 89 year old person everyone else saw. She always called her beauty secret her pondsdeleon, instead of admitting the fact that she really should get some glasses.

Etymology: Pond's (cold cream used since last century to moisturize skin make it appear youthful) & Ponce de Leon (Spanish explorer who sought the Fountain of Youth, by leading first European expedition to Florida)

Points: 1487