Verboticism: Exorbootance

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively shop for and buy shoes that are stylish, sexy and extremely uncomfortable. n. A person who has an uncontrolled, psychological dependency on impractical shoes.
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: EXORbitANCE+BOOT
Sentence: Her exorbootance is killing our budget, but they are always happy to see her at the shoe store.
Etymology: EXORbitANCE+BOOT. exorbitance: n. 1. Excessiveness, as of price or amount. 2. Behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper.
Points: 737
Comments: Exorbootance
Tigger - 2008-06-03: 00:27:00
Very amusing. I bet she lUggs her boots around with her, wherever she goes.