Verboticism: Dialiverance

'The thing I love about internet dating...'

DEFINITION: v. To arrange with a friend to phone you with a "crisis" during a blind date, in case you need to make an emergency exit; n. A fake "emergency" phone call that is used to end a blind date.

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Created by: Rutilus

Pronunciation: dial-iver-anse

Sentence: "This guy was a creep" thought Gemma. Then the mobile went off. "Hi Lisa...Oh my god, you're joking...look I'll be right over!" "I'm really sorry but I've got to dash, I'll ring you, bye!" Thank God for Lisa, she'd kept to the plan and given Gemma dialiverance from this awful blind date.

Etymology: dial - to make phone call; deliverance - rescue from danger

Points: 1085

Comments: Dialiverance

Jabberwocky - 2008-05-28: 10:51:00
exellent word

OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-28: 21:36:00
Hits it on the head.