Verboticism: Eloosidate

'I guess I said the wrong thing'

DEFINITION: v. intr., To say what you're thinking without thinking about what you're saying. n., A person who says whatever comes into their head, regardless of where is comes from, or where it's going.

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Created by: craigfu

Pronunciation: i-loo-zi-deyt

Sentence: As Mark began to eloosidate, Nell used the time to think of options for faking her own death.

Etymology: lose[r] + elucidate

Points: 755

Comments: Eloosidate

craigfu - 2008-01-18: 11:53:00
I'm not sure of the spelling, but I think it gets the point across.

Jabberwocky - 2008-01-18: 12:17:00
great word

OZZIEBOB - 2008-01-18: 15:46:00
Clever:good word!

silveryaspen - 2008-01-18: 19:05:00
Delightful ... exactly the word for when I loose my mind!

bananabender - 2008-01-19: 22:32:00
I guess he losed his date! Fun word!