Verboticism: Pococurpulente

'May I have the sweet potato fries? '

DEFINITION: v., To not feel guilty about all the weight you're putting on, because you need all the extra calories you can get, to survive the harsh winter climate. n., A type of fat gained by mammals in preparation for winter hibernation.

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: po-co-cor-pu-len-te

Sentence: Above her desk, Kimberly kept a calendar with photos from various missions to the moon. She liked to be reminded of the moon phases and the period of time when science fiction permeated popular culture. But her calendar failed to document a waxing and waning moon much closer to Kimberly's heart: the one she bought elastic-waist pants for. Around the same time as the leaves' changing, Kimberly's eating habits changed from "pollo poco" to "pococurpulente." It should be no surprise that she always kept cheese in her desk.

Etymology: pococurante (little concern) + corpulent (having a large body)

Points: 602