Verboticism: Viruse

'Yes Boss, I am sick as a dog'

DEFINITION: v., To create the impression that you are deathly ill and represent a potentially lethal bio-hazard risk, so that your boss will ask you to "take the next couple of days off". n., A faked illness.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: vy-roos

Sentence: It had been months since I had taken a day off so I spent the first three days of the week 'shivering' with chills and moaning to establish the presence of my viruse. It was nice to get a four day long weekend.

Etymology: virus + viable + ruse

Points: 362

Comments: Viruse

OZZIEBOB - 2007-11-04: 17:13:00
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Sounds like you've got a bait- hope your boss takes it! Your sentence is so true-no doubt a wordwide phenomena. Tomorrow (Tuesday)is Melbourne Cup day ,a public holiday, and it is estimated that more than 40% of the workforce are not at work this morning. Viruse is alive and well in Melbourne today!