Verboticism: Posthabit

DEFINITION: v., to post sticky notes all over the place, including sticky notes to remind you to read the previously posted sticky notes. n., an obsessive compulsive dependency on sticky notes.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: post-hab-it
Sentence: Marcie developed a posthabit because of her intense attention deficit disorder. She needed sticky notes to remind her of everything and it became posthabitual. One day she had so many things to do that she decided to make a dress entirely of stickynotes. The unusual fashion was noticed by the company's executives and she soon found that she was getting requests to make clothing for the CEOs who needed a lot of meeting reminders. Inspired, she began to create suits, hats and ties made entirely of sticky notes and eventually developed a line of expensive postitwear clothing designed to remind the wearer of appointments, birthdays, and deadlines. After making her fortune selling her sticky clothing creations, she moved into a new line of fashion - velcro playwear for toddlers.
Etymology: post-it: a brand of sticky notes + habit: addiction; repetitive behavior + habit: a distinctive dress or costume
Points: 989