Verboticism: Factasy

'OMIGOD! Prada is on sale at Wal-Mart!'

DEFINITION: n. A place, or a moment, where all the different kinds of truths fit together, and where there are many different ways to be absolutely right about everything. n. To be absolutely right about everything.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: fact/a/see

Sentence: Clarence laughed at Shoshana when she came home with her pair of Prada's from Walmart. He knew she was gullible but $7.38? She didn't care what he said or thought. She knew it was just another one of her factasies coming true! It was just one of many that day.

Etymology: Fact:an event known to have happened or something known to have existed. asy: derivative of fantasy: mythology and folklore

Points: 977

Comments: Factasy

reverb - 2008-06-27: 12:48:00
good one!

Nosila - 2008-06-28: 00:00:00
She should live on Factasy Island!