Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To be so dependent on computers and other gadgets, that you cannot communicate or even think without them. n. A person who cannot communicate, or even think, without using an electronic device.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ee dikt shun
Sentence: Ed had such a strong eddiction to things electronic, he could not talk to a pretty girl in front of him. He had to get her e-mail or text address or facebook address before he could ask her out. He was the original cybernaught.
Etymology: ed-electronic device & addiction (dependency)
Created by: kenedyb
Pronunciation: phone-o-pen-dent
Sentence: phonopendent means that you can not function properly with out your phone
Created by: EpicButCrazy
Pronunciation: eye-phone-at-ick
Sentence: v. He's totally iphonatic. He can't go 5 minutes without checking his updates on his phone. n. She's an iphonatic, nothing else would spend that much time on mobile Twitter.
Etymology: iPhone+fanatic
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tweeee twiht
Sentence: They were the perfect couple, he was a tweetwit, she was a tweetwitterher
Etymology: tweet, twit
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: a/pul/ra/tus
Sentence: "Let's see"..."I have my iPod, my iPhone and my Macbook. That's all my appleratus so now I'm all macked, oh sorry I meant packed."
Etymology: apple + apparatus
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: eye pad dik ted
Sentence: Although not as tech-savvy as most, George had gotten an iPad for his birthday and was totally hooked on it. He had become ipaddicted to the little machine. It absorbed his every waking hour and his only interraction with others humans was over machinery. He had neither the time or the energy to pursue real-live girls. For George's benefit, one hopes they make a new version soon that can allow George to marry and have kids online. We doubt George's mother would approve...she of the black & white tv; Beta tapes and rotary phone...
Etymology: iPad (A tablet computer made by Apple Inc...) & Addicted (compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming)
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: sy-bur-spaysd
Sentence: She was google-eyed and about to crash. She was so cyberspaced that she couldn't remember her own name without checking her iphone's contact list. She needed a nap to reboot.
Etymology: CYBERSPACE (the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place) + SPACED (to become stupified or disoriented from or as if from a drug.)
another great word and the sentence always woes me over - DrWebster111, 2009-05-01: 18:52:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: gadd-jiht-terz
Sentence: Whenever Das couldn't find her iphone she got the gadjitters so bad the ringtones in her head wouldn't stop until she'd had a triple shot in her chocolate mint mocha.
sounds yummy - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-30: 12:58:00
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: Eye Dee Ten Tee
Sentence: Paula thought it rather cute (if a little Jobsian) of her friends to refer her as an iDetentee. Being a touch dyslexic, she would often joke back that she was *not* having an iDetentee crisis. Unfortunately this meant she never realised that her friends were really calling her an ID10T.
Etymology: i (eye?): An Apple (i)nspired (i)nternet fad to begin the name of anything to do with technology with an (i). Detent: to arrest, detain. Detentee (neol): One who is detained. Idiot: One who crashes car whilst txt'ing on a cell/mobile/pda, for example.
A multilayered verbotomy of true sophistication. Kudos!! - dochanne, 2009-05-06: 01:04:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: brain-a-ree
Sentence: Being technically minded, Nerdia, could really only process names and addresses if they were stored digitally in her smartphone. She was the perfect example of a brainary.
Etymology: brain + binary
That Nerdia! She really is one zero ... - emdeejay, 2009-04-30: 02:15:00
That Nerdia is a brainiac! - Nosila, 2009-04-30: 18:56:00
Verbotomy - 2009-04-30: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you! And yes I can think without a keyboard, it's just that my mind wanders... ~ James
readerwriter - 2009-04-30: 08:13:00
OK...does anyone think it's weird when you think of the definition the day before it appears?
abrakadeborah - 2009-05-05: 01:24:00
Reader you must be a "Verbotopsychic"
Verbotomy - 2010-11-12: 00:08:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James