Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A compulsive need to sniff everything and anything you pick up, even things that typically do not have distinctive odors. v., To habitually sniff everything within your grasp -- just to make sure it's fresh.
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Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: uhb/ses/sent
Sentence: Joe is annoyingly obsesscent to the point of whiffing everything he comes in contact with. This schnozealous behaviour is to say the least neurotic and sniffsessive.
Etymology: OBSESSCENT - verb - from OBSESS (dwell obsessively upon something) + SCENT (to perceive, or identify by the sense of smell)
SCHNOZOZEALOUS? Hahahahaa cough cough.... - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:12:00
Smells like a new Calvin Klein fragrance... - Nosila, 2008-10-27: 21:01:00
Or a new de-aromarent protective cream! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 02:27:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nästrilə
Sentence: Nostrilla was attacking Tokyo again. Unlike his cousin Godzilla who could exhale atomic breath and use his laser vision. Nostrilla did damage by inhaling. When he stopped to smell the roses, he also smelled cars, office buildings and the inhabitants therein. It was never clear if he meant to do harm or just had a bad case of the sniffles.
Etymology: nostril: either of two external openings of the nasal cavity in vertebrates that admit air to the lungs and smells to the olfactory nerves. + Godzilla: name of a huge prehistoric monster featured in a series of Japanese films from 1955
Love those giant rubber monsters! Gammera. Rodan.Mozilla. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 02:13:00 - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 02:21:00
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: nay - nal
Sentence: He was so incredibly nanal that he refused to use my smellphone and he would keep his distench whenever I ate old cheese.
Etymology: nanal - nasal + anal, smellphone - a cellphone that needs a good wiping with a sanitizer, distench - keeping space between oneself and offensive odors (distance + stench)
Great verbotomy! He was working both ends against the middle. :-) - Mustang, 2007-11-29: 07:58:00
Short and sweet (or stinky). Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-29: 19:11:00
Created by: Daniel999
Pronunciation: sniff a sor as
Sentence: He was so obsessed with sniffing everything around him, they gave him the nickname "sniffasouras".
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: duress/ence
Sentence: Carlos was driven by an overwhelming duressence to identify every object by it's scent. By thirty, his nostrils were immense.
Etymology: duress + essence
Carlos had King Kong nostrils? - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:10:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: \wif-fish-ee-uh-NAH-doh\
Sentence: Because Hector was a real whifficionado, anything that came near his face -- the phone, his sunglasses, even his girlfriend -- would get scrutinosed, and fragranalyzed. He had a total sniffixation.
Etymology: whiff - "a slight trace of odor or smell" (aspirated var. of Middle English, weffe) + aficionado - "enthusiast" (Spanish, aficion, -from Latin, affectionem)
I sorry if I've stolen "sniffixation" from you. I was unaware that you used it in your sentence. I'm happy to withdraw it & ubstitute "fragranxiety". I'm a fan of whifficionado; it's a great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-29: 04:28:00
No problem. Great minds think alike -- apparently, so do we sometimes. ;) I though that your word 'smellancholy' was brilliant. - Tigger, 2007-11-29: 12:21:00
I think this captures the 'essence' of the definition. - kabloozie, 2007-11-29: 19:52:00
Excellent word. Very funny. - franke, 2007-11-30: 10:02:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: snoōtfoōl
Sentence: Harold is sure he can detect even the slightest sign that things are not what they should be. With a quick sniff he declares a check legit or fraudulent. He has rejected designer jeans more than once after a mere whiff. He sees himself as a Sherlock Holmes. Most see him as a snootfool.
Etymology: snoot (a person*s nose) + fool (a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person) a play on snootful
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: uhb/ses/sent
Sentence: He is annoyingly obsesscent to the point of whiffing everything he comes in contact with. This schnozealous behaviour is to say the least neurotic and sniffsessive.
Etymology: obsess + scent
Excellent creation - Mustang, 2007-11-29: 21:55:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: in sent iv eye zd
Sentence: his dog was inscentivised around anyone who asspirated
Etymology: incentivise scent
Verbotomy - 2007-11-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-12-01: 07:47:00
Remistram also submitted definition about compulsive sniffing, so I have added her name to the credits for this definition. Thank you again to kabloozie and remistram. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-03-24: 00:37:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James