Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: To purchase a bauble, article of clothing, or major appliance, in order to alleviate anxiety or other psychological stress. Often leads to overspending.
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Created by: sparkles510
Sentence: Renee will depressplurge after every bad relationship.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: stoor gasem
Sentence: just becouse she needed regular storgasms didn't make her a hermesexual
Etymology: store orgasm.
Created by: mythman
Pronunciation: feh-durr-LIHN-ih-tee
Sentence: Britney didn't have new shoes, and was hoping for a man with some Federlinity to solve that problem.
Etymology: How else would a backup-dancer earn the love of such a diva?
Created by: administraitor
Pronunciation: Vee-sal-ium
Sentence: An afternoon of visalium would dampen Josie’s worries, especially if she stumbled upon a shoe sale, but she experienced a boomerang mood swing when the bills arrived.
Etymology: Visa + valium
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: re-splurj-er-ate
Sentence: Renae had an oversupply of Eskies (cooler boxes) in her garage, but in her search for the ultimate chill pill, she had just purchased a bar fridge and was eyeing off a side-by-side refrigerator/freezer. Not only was her credit card maxed out, but she was in danger of missing payments on her electricity account. Maybe there's a sweet little retro Kelvinator that will take the edge of the debt stress if she resplurgerated one more time.
Etymology: Refrigerator (a major appliance with a nice chill factor) + splurge (retail binge)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: shop-dee-ahngkst
Sentence: The shopping network has profited by taking advantage of the many shopdeangsters worldwide.
Etymology: shop + de + angst
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: pelf + esteem
Sentence: Sure, the new 452" Plasma was expensive, but I was feeling low and needed some pelfesteem.
Etymology: No doubt you've heard of self-esteem? Well then.
What does "pelf" mean? - mplsbohemian, 2007-08-20: 20:07:00
"pelf" means wealth or goods, especially those ill-gotten. - Osomatic, 2007-08-21: 13:05:00
Created by: KristinA
Pronunciation: charge-uh-thawn
Sentence: After Penny was asked to leave the firm, she went on a major chargeathon to alleviate her stress and despression. A new washer and dryer. A new cocktail dress, matching shoes, and handbag. And of course a breathtaking set of diamond earrings.
Etymology: charge (to pay by credit card) + marathon (pertaining to the eurphoric feeling one often feels after completing the race)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: ang-zi-binj-E-tee
Sentence: Roxy used shopping as a quick fix for the blues. Each spurgisode was squandipitious:whenever she saw for sale something stromboid, she had to buy it to slake her anxibingety. Also her squandapathy, whilst at times an all consuming passion, became afterwards a pangfull prodigall, with terrifying squandread.
Etymology: Anxibingety:(anxiety+binge)"anxiety for binge-buying). Prodigall(prodigal+gall)"vexed by waste." Squandapathy:"indifferent to waste."
Created by: Uccxxxv
Pronunciation: Psycho-over-spend-ill-evy-ahe-shun
Sentence: "I'll give you some pills for your psychoverspendilleviation, but if all else fails i'll have to take your wallet.
Etymology: Psychological + Over + Spend + alleviation