Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: A unique physical or psychological trait, which makes one "different". Often seen as a handicap, even if it provides a distinct evolutionary advantage.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: msokoloffster
Pronunciation: Mur - Door - an
Sentence: The mans murdoran of a horn sticking out of his knee prevented him from getting the job of his dreams.
Etymology: Unknown...
Created by: evhershey
Pronunciation: han-dee-cape-a-bill-a-tee
Sentence: Rudolph's nose, although making him the object of ridicule, proved to be the unique handicapability that was needed to guide that sleigh tonight.
Etymology: handicap + capability (form of handicapable)
Created by: DarthWader
Pronunciation: ab norm al ih tade
Sentence: Though a bit cumbersome to deal with at first, Roger's enourmous hands served as a curious abnormalitaid in hailing a cab.
Etymology: abnormality (abnormal feature) + aid (thing that is of help or assistance)
Created by: jedamacr
I'm voting for this because I liked it, but write a sentence at least! - kmccardle, 2006-12-21: 07:30:00
Created by: squashy
Pronunciation: indy-quirk
Sentence: the man's indiquirk fitted the description in the police appeal poster
Etymology: individual and quirky
i have to say thumbs down for (basically) using the same word as me - vince, 2006-12-21: 12:47:00
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: dar/wim/ee/an
Sentence: The Darwhimian Theory of Evolution favors fortunate if not fanciful furry creatures like Rudolph-The-Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Etymology: variation of Darwinian (adj.) of or relating to Charles Darwin, his theories of evolution, or his followers + whim: a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn or mind
Created by: ehaaland
Pronunciation: spej
Etymology: An abbreviation for "special edge."
Created by: hvhtim
Pronunciation: rudolph-itis
Sentence: the reindeer with rudolphitis got all the females in the end.
Etymology: rudolph, itis
umm...look at the picture - hvhtim, 2006-12-21: 09:19:00
Created by: nikdudnik
Sentence: 1. He's fiveleg looks especially useful today. 2. Is there somebody who needs fiveleg?
Etymology: five + leg
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: thing-u-larity
Sentence: His thingularity was a unique appendage sprouting from the top of his head, that caused others to gasp "What is that thing?", yet provided a very useful limb for holding an umbrella or shade in weather extremes.
Etymology: Thing + singularity
Verbotomy - 2006-12-21: 02:26:00
By popular request! A definition which suggests a noun as the solution. But feel free to twist it into a verb, or even an adjective, if you wish! ~ James
kmccardle - 2006-12-21: 15:03:00
So does anyone else not like this new voting set up? I personally much preferred the ranking system, even if this way is perhaps more fair.
chris - 2006-12-21: 16:11:00
Whatever you do still leaves the system open to mates voting for mates no matter how good or bad the word.....but it's just a game so who cares? The fun is from participating (for me, anyway).
Verbotomy - 2006-12-21: 23:09:00
Hey kmccardle, the rankings are still here -- but they are not on the front page anymore. You can see the complete list Verboticisms for each definition on the daily stats page. (On the first day this list is presented in alphabetical order. After that, the words are ranked by score.)
The other thing to remember is that this is still an interim measure. We are creating a clustering function which will allow people to play in smaller groups so that there will be more direct interaction and communication between the players. This should be ready for testing in the next week or so... ~ James