Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To pace, stare or drool in front of your stove or microwave, in an effort to use sheer willpower to make your food cook faster. n. A watched pot, pie or pudding.
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Created by: mitchchick
Pronunciation: s-eye-goo-cAYzer
Sentence: I psygoocazered that piece of cheese on my hotdog.
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: cul LIN ling ER
Sentence: Freddy’s culinlingering over his melting cheese-dog was partly due to his poor eating habits. He battled time, skipped meals, to become an over-bearing oaf in the kitchen. Leaning into the microwave, he imagined the appliance responded to his throbbing appetite with soothing efficiency.
Etymology: From: culinary and linger.
culinmerry word - Nosila, 2009-11-10: 17:16:00
Created by: suzanne
Pronunciation: meye-nd-oh-fer-bath-er
Sentence: the souffle rose due to her extraordinary mindoverbatter powers. Now she no longer uses an oven. Al gore is making a documentary about it and hoping she can refreeze Glacier National park.
Etymology: mind- the brain over- prepositioon. matter - as in material of any sort. batter - material of a baking / cooking sort.
Great play on words! - Stevenson0, 2007-04-24: 12:43:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: TELL-IH-KIN-VEC-SHUN
Sentence: Staring into the water did not hasten it's boiling, but gazing thru the microgrid convinced me that TELEKINVECTION was a force to be reckoned with....
Etymology: TELEKINESIS-affecting the properties of something using the formidable power of brainwaves. CONVECTION-an "old school" method of cooking using a direct heat source.
TELEKINesis+conVECTION - metrohumanx, 2008-07-01: 06:01:00
A word to be reckoned with! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-02: 03:35:00
LOL You need to write a book! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-25: 14:15:00
Created by: serendipity9000
Pronunciation: fry-o-vi-shun
Sentence: I am sure that my super powered fryovision makes the food in the microwave cook faster.
Etymology: fry + o + vision
Created by: verysimplegame
Pronunciation: my-crow-wahn-cy
Sentence: Summoning forth her dark skills in microwancy, the Hot Pocket seemed to shimmer and ooze even faster.
Etymology: Microwave + mancy
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: SYK-ro-wave
Sentence: Werner believed he had the power to cook foods faster by means of psychrowaving it, elevating electron activity within the food thru telepathy.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'Psyche' (the mental or psychological structure of a person, especially as a motive force) and 'microwave' (an electromagnetic wave of extremely high frequency) or (microwave oven)
Created by: cohenarie
Pronunciation: SI kuk
Sentence: As grandma always said, a container of water subjected to psychookery will never reach or exceed 100 degrees celsius.
Etymology: psychic + cook
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: my krow slay vvvv
Sentence: Maeve was a microslave nad had the irradiated frontal cortex to prove it
Etymology: microwave slave
- yeah, I always though it bad to get too close to the microwave when it's on! - splendiction, 2009-11-10: 18:07:00
Verbotomy - 2007-04-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic.
Thank you Osomatic! ~ James
Mustang - 2008-07-01: 08:09:00
The chef was no doubt a man of principle who would stick by his convections.
Verbotomy - 2009-11-10: 00:14:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic. ~ James