Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To give a child, pet or coworker a wrapped gift or packaged item, only to discover they are more interested packaging than the item itself. n. Gift wrapping or packaging which proves to be more exciting than the contained item.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rap so dee
Sentence: Jill's kids, cat and hubby each felt their own wrapsody on Christmas morning. Her kids would make houses out of the boxes that their expensive toys came in; her hubby made silly hats from the ribbons and bows and her cat loved shredding the tissue and then horking it up all morning, all over the house. Wrapture, Bliss!
Etymology: Wrap (the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped) & Rhapsody (A state of elated bliss; ecstasy)
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: mis'un - der - gift - hood
Sentence: I always try to leave the recipient of my inexpensive present in a state of misundergifthood with deceptive elegant wrapping.
Etymology: misunderstood + gift
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: bo-keep
Sentence: Little Bowkeep saved every scrap of ribbon and wrapping from each gift she received to decorate her Barbie dreamhouse. She even took the bow off the new puppy her grandmother gave her and ran off to Barbieland.
Etymology: Wordplay on Little Bo Peep.
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: rapt-uh-ten-shun
Sentence: Sven wasn't sure if he was standing there in quiet amazement, frustration, or amusement, looking at his nephew shaking the wrapping paper in the air. "It's so cool, Uncle Sven, the way it reflects the light!" The box containing the remote controlled car that he bought after careful planning and consideration sat there on the floor, almost an unnoticed afterthought. His nephew's wraptattention to the mylar wrapping paper seemed much more interesting.
Etymology: wrapped + attention
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: rapt/scal/yun
Sentence: Chris was such a wraptscallion that his friends gave him gifts packed with paper, string and bubble wrap.
Etymology: wrap + rapt + rapscallion (rascal, scamp)
Created by: Jamagra
Pronunciation: trans/mow'/gift/fie
Sentence: Calvin's ability to transmogiftfy any box or wrapping into a rocket ship dazzled his parents. It frustrated his lazy pet tiger Hobbes to no end, however.
Etymology: transmogrify - To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre + gift
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /buhb-uhl-rap-cher/
Sentence: Every year on Timmy's birthday, a large box of carefully packed presents would arrive, sent by his Uncle Donovan and Aunt Beverly, who lived on the opposite coast. And every year, after opening the box and looking over the presents, Timmy would be overcome by a case of bubblewrapture, often making a fort out of the box and fashioning weapons and armor out of the packing materials.
Etymology: bubble - a body of gas contained in a liquid or solid (from Middle Dutch, bobbel; imitative) + rapture - ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy (from Latin, raptus "a carrying off")
oh Yessssss! - galwaywegian, 2008-04-21: 05:22:00
ah - ya beat me to it! Well done! - libertybelle, 2008-04-21: 10:13:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: pack+rapt
Sentence: It would not have mattered what was in that big box, it was just packrapt to the kids.
Etymology: pack+rapt
Created by: balku4
Pronunciation: ji-fi-raw-pee-on-fal-dee-kooi-sti-moo-lus
Etymology: started of as the beggining of word and added random sounds i have heard.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rap so dee lish us
Sentence: When Todd saw his birthday gift, he was ecstatic! His friends had managed to pull off the best 40th Birthday gift for him...after months of hinting and cajoling, he knew they would not let him down. There she was, the lovely Violetta who had arrived at the office in a diaphanous sheer gauzy gown, nothing left to the imagination. She looked like an embodiment of Venus, the Goddess of Love and the other guys in his office swooned. "Where are they, My Pretty?" intoned Todd, and he knew she could keep nothing from him. Sure enough,when he came near her pulsating womanhood, she used her hands to give him the best gift of all...that's right, 2 tickets to the Super Bowl!
Etymology: Wrap (enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering) & Soda (sweet drink, with carbonated water & flavouring) & Delicious (greatly pleasing or entertaining)& Rhapsody (an epic poem adapted for recitation; heavenly delight)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: pak-ka-ching!
Sentence: the new bike went unnoticed as Toby was too enamored with the packa-ching.
Etymology: packaging, ka-ching!
Cute word! - Nosila, 2009-06-04: 17:18:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: boks-ih-ley-shuhn
Sentence: Mom's regrigelation was caused by her new ice box. The kid's boxelation,on the other hand, was caused by the carton it came in.
Etymology: box (a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard) + elation (a feeling or state of great joy or pride)
Created by: verbherder
Pronunciation: sel-uh-feyn
Sentence: As I undid the fancy gold ribbon, and carefully removed the shiny, elegantly printed paper I was thinking, "Pedro just gave me the best birthday present ever!" Inside was a dark, velvety box with a metal hinge. I opened it slowly in an effort to savor the anticipation. My excitment was quickly replaced by disappointment that morphed into anger when it became clear Pedro had given me...a wad of fresh belly button lint in cellofeign. Pedro!!!!
Etymology: cellophane (type of packaging) + feign (to represent fictitiously)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: RAP-tuh-veyt
Sentence: Wraptivated by some strange bibliomania, Bob's bookself was full of books unread, but collected solely for the beauty or bizarreness of their dust-covers*.
Etymology: Blend of WRAP as in wrapper, RAPT: carried away with the emotion, beauty etc., & CAPTIVATE: overpower with excellence etc. *DUST-COVER = Dust-jacket or Dust-wrapper.
Hey Bob - we missed you last week - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-21: 12:12:00
Good word! - Mustang, 2008-04-21: 21:16:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: inbäksikāshən
Sentence: Christmas morning is time of utter inboxication for Tom's cat, Mr. Fuzzy Pants. He loves nothing more than climbing in and out of the assortment of boxes and cartons while the silly humans oow and aah over the stupid stuff that they crammed into these little cubes of heaven. Then comes the unbelievable part, trash day, when that idiot Tom steals Fuzz's toys and sends them to who knows where. His only recourse is to mellow out with a major dose of catnip and try to forget.
Etymology: intoxication (to lose control of one's faculties or behavior from use of alcoholic drink or a drug) + box (a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid)
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: rə-pēl'
Sentence: Little Marty loved the fire engine Grandpa brought him, but the wrappeal of the box and excelsior was overwhelming.
Etymology: wrap appeal
nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-21: 16:51:00
Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-22: 07:22:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bäksjoi
Sentence: Joan always encouraged her children to try new things. When she brought home Chinese carryout Jill, her youngest, discovered boxjoy. Her fascination with the little wire-handled boxes far exceeded her interest for the food inside.
Etymology: box (a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid) + joy (a feeling of great pleasure and happiness) a play on bok choy.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: gift rapt
Sentence: Jason was in a state of giftrapt because he was so seduced by the boxing, bubble wrap and tape, that he forgot about the contents.
Etymology: giftwrap (wrapping for a gift) & rapt (wholly absorbed)
Created by: RLMzies
Pronunciation: Play-Gus
Sentence: I gave My 31 year old son a gift in a large box just to see what he would do and when he opened it, he threw the gift onto the ground and popped all of the bubble wrap that was inside of the package. My son is the living deffination of Playgus.
Etymology: I walked down the street and saw a kid get a gift and do this so i made up this word. HAHAHA!!! You stink like moldy socks!!!
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: en/rap/cher
Sentence: Little children are enwraptured with the exterior of a present when the interior contains clothes.
Etymology: Wrap + enraptured
And they know it before opening the box! - arrrteest, 2008-04-21: 19:00:00
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: pree-zent-us-int-er-up-tis
Sentence: The anticipation was killing Betty as with each present, her best friend kept reaching near hers from the pile. She had selected the best gift she could think of and carefully wrapped it in beautiful paper. "Look at this one!" Janice shouted as she lifted the gift. "It is wrapped so wonderfully and the paper is so beautiful!" She spent extra care to unwrap the gift so that the paper was not spoiled. She put the gift down on the floor and held up the paper for all to see and passed it around meanwhile forgetting the gift beside her. This was a clear example of presentusinteruptis killing her joy.
Etymology: Presentus, from present or gift + interuptis, to interrupt
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: rap-eh-THET-ik
Sentence: When it came to gift giving, Melody was wrapathetic, putting far more interest and enthusiasm in picking the wrapping than in picking the actual gift itself.
Etymology: Blend of 'wrap' and 'apathetic' ( having little or no interest or concern : indifferent)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Bock-see-kol-ee-jist
Sentence: If only Abbie's parents had realised she was a budding boxicoligist, they would not have botherered with the present, The empty box would have been just the thing to give her for her 3rd birthday,and save them a lot of expense!!
Etymology: Boxicologist- someone who is very interested in boxes and/or specialises in packaging.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: con-TAYN-ehr-anjr
Sentence: After opening all the boxes that his toys and other gifts came in, little Jimmy ignored the toys and gifts and busied himself in flights of fancy with the containers, imagining them to be fighter planes, race cars, spy vehicles and fortified castles.
Etymology: blend of container and ranger
Sounds like Christmas at our house every year...when will I learn just to give them boxes... - Nosila, 2009-06-04: 17:16:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: rhymes with distraction
Sentence: Granny always tried to use distwraptions at Christmas time so that the kiddies would not be disappointed with the cheap gifts her penury demanded. Fortunately they all loved to pop the bubblewrap she had scavenged during the year.
Etymology: distraction + wrap
love the sound of this - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-21: 13:48:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: bock-sir-re-bell-yun
Sentence: Marina's third birthday brought expensive battery powered gifts as far as the eye could see -all from her "wish list". She played with them for a cumulative total of 10 minutes then grew tired of the noise and staged her own boxer rebellion by building a princess castle out of the packaging.
Etymology: box + boxer rebellion: uprising in China at the turn of last century against foreign trade and technology
Got my vote for originality - too many wrap words - of which i was guilty too - petaj, 2008-04-22: 04:13:00
I LOVE historical references. Good work! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-20: 02:41:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kärbôrd
Sentence: Joyce knew her son would not care much that she was buying a new refrigerator. What she didn't expect was that he would have a fit when she tried to dispose of the box it came in. Carboard! Carboard! he screamed. For the next couple of weeks, the carton was a race car, a taxi, a fire truck and a tank. Who knew?
Etymology: car (a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people) + cardboard (pasteboard or stiff paper)
Created by: anoesis23
Pronunciation: GLAD-rap
Sentence: He gave me a gladwrapped gift, fancy wrapping with hardly anything inside.
Etymology: "glad" + "wrap", also from cling film brand "Gladwrap"
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: bub bel rap so dee
Sentence: Georgia could not wait until Tuesdays each week. That's when the UPS guy, Jeff, brought their regular shipment of office supplies. Sure, he was tall,single and handsome in his brown uniform and he looked forward to seeing her delight when he entered the building. After many weeks of this mutual admiration society, Jeff was on the verge of asking for her phone number when she spilled the beans. She was in bubblewrapsody everytime she unpacked the boxes and popped all those little bubbles. She was addicted and awaited her fix every Tuesday. Oh well, he thought to wasn't the first time a cute girl liked him just for his package!
Etymology: Bubblewrap (a sheet of plastic material covered with air-filled bubbles, used for wrapping fragile objects in order to protect them in transit) & Rhapsody (A state of elated bliss; ecstasy)
very popopular choice - galwaywegian, 2010-06-24: 03:37:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: con - tane - uhr - ram - bow
Sentence: After opening all the boxes that his new computer, various toys and other gifts came in, Gilbert busied himself in fanciful games with the containers, imagining them to be everything from fighter planes, to fortresses to James Bond type vehicles.
Etymology: Blend of container and Rambo.
good word - Nosila, 2008-04-21: 20:26:00
Created by: jetpro14
Pronunciation: Ex-teer-eo-gratit-oo-ated
Sentence: Ms. Rolly Mingwald was exteriogratituated, once again, by her nutty professor.
Etymology: Exterio = outer; Gratituated = thanked for (gratis)
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: Bocks-nipp
Sentence: Like a jovial child, Roger was fully engaged in the packaging popcorn. His office became a winter wonderland of Styrofoam popcorn. The stuff was boxnip to him.
Etymology: box-as in cardboard box; catnip-drives cats nuts and is really engaging to them.
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: ree/sep/tak/ul
Sentence: There's nothing like a good receptackle to boost a boring gift.
Etymology: receptacle + tackle
good take on the definition - Nosila, 2008-04-21: 20:28:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rap sode ee
Sentence: When Christmas morning came around, the little kids were more enamoured of the neat silver boxes that their rock computer games came in than the games themselves. It was like a Bohemium Wrapsody to see them unwrap their presents: A steel guitar, a DVD of "Wayne's World" and a CD of Queen's Greatest Hits! Instead of carols, all we heard were refrains like: "Nothing really matters, anyone can see, Nothing really matters to me"! And "Can anybody find me, someone to love..." Yes, it was a regal Christmas..."Under Pressure" and "We Are The Champions" "We Will, We Will Rock You!" "Wrapsody in Right Satin".
Etymology: rhapsody (an epic poem adapted for recitation) & wrap (enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering)
Rock on, Nosila! Nice word. - Tigger, 2008-04-21: 01:26:00
Great word! - Mustang, 2008-04-21: 21:15:00
Roll over Beethoven - I'm rapped; good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-22: 07:27:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: in - rap - chur - d
Sentence: Mitsy spent an entire afternoon choosing a special gift for Elijah's birthday. Imagine her disappointment when Elijah became enwraptured with the packaging and wrapping and forgot all about the gift itself.
Etymology: enraptured (enchanted: held spellbound), wrap
It's a wrap! - Nosila, 2009-06-04: 17:15:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: karr tohnn ik
Sentence: The new computer was discarded, the box proved the perfect cartonic, lifting his mood as he peeped out through the hand-holes in the side. It brought him back to his youth and the joy of seeing the Gateway boxes out grazing on the pastures.
Etymology: carton, tonic.
Verbotomy - 2008-04-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-04: 00:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James