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DEFINITION: v. To be angry and disappointed (and secretly embarrassed) when your children grow up to make the same foolish mistakes that you did. n. The emotion parents feel when they see their children make the same mistakes they did.
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Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: air - eh -fide
Sentence: Marty was heirrifed when he saw Isabelle taking the same risks and making the same mistakes that he had made when he was younger.
Etymology: heir, terrified
Heiriffic word! - Nosila, 2009-08-21: 00:32:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: pah-RENT-la-ment
Sentence: Randy and Sandy are typical parents who share with each other a great deal of parentlament when their kids ignore good advice and make the same mistakes they themselves made as teens.
Etymology: Blend of 'parent' (a father or mother) and 'lament' (a passionate expression of grief or sorrow)
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: ki-dis-ill-oozh-und
Sentence: When I found out my son had gotten drunk and driven home despite my warnings not to, I was entirely kidisillusioned
Etymology: kid + disillusioned
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ôfsting
Sentence: John and Mary did all they could to encourage their children but their descencan’ts fail at just about everything they attempt. The offsting they feel means they often avoid conversations that involve children. You won’t even find them listed on John or Mary’s Facebook pages.
Etymology: offspring (a person’s child or children) + sting (a hurtful quality or effect)
Created by: IndubidableDan
Sentence: Betty the fish proved to be a true misanglerthrope after the death of her boyfriend, Jonathan, by means of fisherman’s catch. Silly Jonathan seemingly became allured to a shiny hook, which in turn became the death of him. Instantaneously, Betty became allured to his cousin, Ronald- who was known to be quite wealthy in real estate down by the Coral Boulevards.
Etymology: (Misanthrope:person who hates others) + (angler: A fishhook, or tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod; To try to gain by insinuating artifice)
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: ow - ter - child - ism
Sentence: Shelly's outerchildism was making it hard for her to get over her children's failures.
Etymology: a play off of innerchild
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: suck-ses-serr
Sentence: James came from a long line of Village Idiots and he proved himself to be a worthy successerr to his father and grandfathers before him.
Etymology: successor: one who takes over for another as in royalty or title + err: to make a mistake
James is just one of the Village People... - Nosila, 2009-08-20: 09:51:00
Created by: chris
Pronunciation: pair-rant
Sentence: Just as he was about to parant about his kids, Justin remembered his father had paranted about him in much the same way.
Etymology: parent + rant
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: bay/bee/blu/per
Sentence: The child of a baby boomer often ends up as a babyblooper, making the same mistakes as his or her parents over and over again
Etymology: baby boomer + blooper