Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it's time to do the dishes. v. To fight about the dishes.
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Created by: RainbowView
Pronunciation: dish caw styun
Sentence: After dinner, act with caution. At that time of night, the dishes are a caustic discussion point to be had. You might swoon at the sight. Nobody wants to even contemplate doing them - it is a boring thing to do - but it must be done eventually, so they fork out their knives and erupt in a full frontal dishcaustion.
Etymology: dish + caustic + discussion
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: krok fye tz
Sentence: It was the same every night after dinner. The Crockfights would begin. The 3 roommates would brawl over dish duty. They were armor-PLATED, they acted like MUGS, they DISHED it out to each other, the KNIVES were out and they would SINK to new lows. We were BOWLED over by the MAGNUMtude of their aggression. Just because they had to do the DISHES. They put the CUT in Cutlery, SPOON-fed each other venom and sPLATTERed each other with soap suds. There was PANdemonium until we told them to FORK off or we would send them on a slow VESSEL or a flying SAUCER to CHINA. Nothing is GRATER than love and WARE is the love???
Etymology: Crock (an earthen jar (made of baked clay) also (nonsense; foolish talk); Crockery (tableware (eating and serving dishes) collectively) & Fights (an intense verbal dispute;the act of fighting; any contest or struggle) & Play on CockFights (a match in a cockpit between two fighting cocks heeled with metal gaffs)
Wow - nothing's measuringCUP to your sentence! Chef's Surprise for the 3 doommates! - splendiction, 2009-09-28: 21:50:00
Created by: tonya87
Pronunciation: Re-Are-Gyou-Err-Ants
Sentence: Why must was always have a reargurrance? Every night, Its just dishes!
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: dich kush yun
Sentence: "It's your turm, end of dishcussion, she choretled"
Etymology: discussion dish, cuss
Created by: Shellbow
Pronunciation: plat-ter-ruh-cuss
Sentence: Aunt Sally started a huge platteruckus at Thanksgiving.
Etymology: Platter + ruckus
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: DISH cord
Sentence: Dishcord would eventually result when no clean dishes were left! Painful cries, gasps and sneers preceded the noisy "dishcht it" scene: easier to throw 'em all away and buy new ones, than to clean 'em up! Good cheap dishes instead of dishpan hands! One day someone finally decided to buy paper plates and be ECO friendly, saving all that water!
Etymology: From: discord and dish.
But losing trees..good word! - Nosila, 2009-09-29: 01:13:00
clever. - mweinmann, 2009-09-29: 08:01:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dee ter jent in serj ents
Sentence: Every night the battle ensued...of the detergentinsurgents. Too dumb to establish a rota or work together, they fought blindly every night over who would get stuck doing the dishes. Finally in an effort to stop the racket every night, the neighbours bought them paper plates and plastic utensils and peace was restored. When thanked, they just said "Forketaboutit!"
Etymology: Detergent (cleansing agent used to wash dishes) & Insurgents (a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority;in opposition to a civil authority or government)
:-) - CharlieB, 2011-02-15: 07:27:00
great combo - Jabberwocky, 2011-02-15: 13:14:00
Created by: EffingCharms
Pronunciation: Di-sh-temp-er-men-t
Sentence: The distemperment between the Smith's was unbearable! I mean it's just dinner dishes, why don't they hire a maid already!
Etymology: Dish- an eating on divice -temperment an argument, or loss of temper
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: room-rour
Sentence: Doug and his bros got into a massive roomrow with Rachel and her sussies
Etymology: room + row
Verbotomy - 2007-03-09: 00:15:01
Today's definition was suggested by petaj.
Thank you petaj! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by petaj. Thank you petaj. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-28: 08:23:00
Hey Verbotomists, Nosila has won the last week's prize -- a signed copy Jasper Fforde's "The Eyre Affair". Clearly, she using her communicaddiction to make the most of this karmadyoferrors. I'm looking forward to seeing how she fares in this week's verbal crockfight. ~ James