Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: The slow but steady rise of murmurs, coughs or harrumphs in audience. May indicate audience dissatisfaction, or the presence of a lethally infectious virus.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: eck-speck-tay-toh-RAY-shun
Sentence: As the latest incarnation of INXS launched into the second half of an anemic concert filled with 25 year old hits, a muffled, yet audible wave of expectatoration moved across the arena, but not in the usual cheerful way one often sees at sporting events.
Etymology: Expectoration (throat clearing, spitting) + spectators.
Talk about copping one in the eye! - petaj, 2007-08-14: 06:41:00
excellent! - galwaywegian, 2007-08-14: 06:41:00
I just wish it would allow two votes like it says it does. - mplsbohemian, 2007-08-14: 17:04:00
Great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-14: 21:04:00
It does let you vote, twice. Just ignore that message about you've already voted and click on the Vote for link again. - petaj, 2007-08-15: 03:04:00
Created by: KristinA
Pronunciation: air-bored-eye-tis
Sentence: After the critic reported how airboreditis ran rampant during opening night, calls for ticket sales were replaced by those from the media and the Center for Disease Control.
Etymology: airborne (in the air) + bored + itis (swelling of)
Created by: pwincess9430
Pronunciation: rub-mun-ish-iy-dow-thwn-draein
Sentence: basically rubbish money down the drain all mixed up
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: uh-hehm-plih-fih-KAY-shuhn
Sentence: Alex's one-man show, "I Was A Dating Ne'er-Do-Well" closed after one night, as indicated by the massive ahemplification through the show.
Etymology: ahem + amplification
nice - galwaywegian, 2007-08-17: 04:14:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: rab-uhl-rum-buhl
Sentence: Despite all the rabblerumbling that went on, he continued to play and only realized after he took a bow at the conclusion of the concert that he didn't have any trousers on.
Etymology: rabble (group or crowd) + rumble (as in murmur)
Perhaps he was was a pantaloon. Like the word and sentence. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-14: 21:21:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: pan-de-nyew-moan-ee-um
Sentence: Despite the attendance figures steadily declining, pandepneumonium could be discerned as the flu took hold eliciting the full gamut of coughs, sneezes, growls and snorts.
Etymology: pandemonium + pneumonia
not to be confused with pandeplutonium! - remistram, 2007-08-14: 09:26:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: ak-kri-SHEN-do
Sentence: A euphorical blisscendia warmed up the wonder of fans as they eagerly awaited the appearance on stage of their fire-eating idol. But after an hour had passed, and still he had not appeared a slow, rythmic handclapping began. The bliss had bottomed out; the acriscendo was almost apexical. And, by the time the riot squad arrived, some aggrescendic, fired-up fans had turned the stadium into conflagrational chaoscendico.
Etymology: Acriscendo: blending of acriminious & crescendo ("rising bitterness"). Blisscendia: blending of bliss & incendiary ("fiery bliss") Aggrescendic: blending of aggression & crescendo ("growing aggression") Chaoscendico: blending of chaos, crescendo & ic (
Resplendently discordant and transcendent and stuff. Hot too! - Kyoti, 2007-08-14: 09:33:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ha-koff-un-ee
Sentence: What started as a small harumph soon escalated into a hackoughony. Apparently, Big Bird does Shakespeare was not going to be a box office hit.
Etymology: hack, cough, cacophony
It's much easier to quote Shakespeare than read him. Let's stick with Big Bird. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-14: 21:18:00
Created by: Metalflower
Sentence: The theater play was finally closed down after an hour of dismurmurment of the audience.
Etymology: dismemberment, murmur
Kyoti - 2007-08-14: 09:37:00
Knickerblisscendia: agitating a crowd until they set your pants on fire. In this case, even more dangerous. ;)